RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
Why waste time and energy searching the internet for social media tips when you can get what you need in one place? Let Roxanne & Taryn guide you through the social media jungle as they share how to leverage your Network Marketing business on RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers.
RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
Instagram DM Update You Don't Want to Miss
Love it or hate it Instagram is always changing and if you use DMs to reach out to people who aren't following you yet, you will want to tune into this episode! We shine a light on the recent change and decode how it impacts your marketing game.
We also introduce you to FloDesk's new feature, Social Forms. This game-changing tool lets you seamlessly move your audience from social media onto your own platform, a crucial step towards owning your social media audience. We guide you on how to leverage this new feature to create a bio link for your followers to subscribe or grab your freebie.
Want to start using FloDesk? Click the link to use the code ROXTALKS for 50% off for your first year.
We are piercing the bubble and diving into TikTok!
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Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.
Speaker 2:And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.
Speaker 1:Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media Changes. What's your favorite song with change in it?
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, there's a really good song we used to sing when we were in high school.
Speaker 1:And I can't remember it, but it was slow.
Speaker 2:You would know if you heard it. I'll find it and send it to you and y'all.
Speaker 1:I know that change, change, change is not change. It's chain of fools. Don't worry If you're like, that's not the word. Roxanne, I know Change I'm trying to think now I can't think of songs with change in it. I'm a little bit embarrassed, I literally can just like hear.
Speaker 1:Seasons change, people change. It's been so long since I found you, yet it feels like yesterday. That's expose. You're welcome. This is not a radio channel, it's okay. Hey, tabor, good morning, how are you? Good morning, we're talking about change today. Oh, I love change, do you? I actually do, I embrace change. I'm down with change. I've always prided myself on being like okay, because I'm like okay, what's? What's the new puzzle we get to figure out? Let's do it. Yeah, speaking of, I need to do my puzzles, I'm going to get into that, back into that. So things change and let's change it up. Since I asked you that what's going on in your life behind the scenes, I did that. We're doing that first. I know what changes the theme today. Why not?
Speaker 2:Wow, okay, well, speaking of change, I got my hair chopped yesterday Looks and colored the dead. I do hair extensions, so I cut the hair extensions and I got it colored New color. Looks very good and Roxanne drum roll. I had my first facial yesterday.
Speaker 1:How was it?
Speaker 2:It was good no one warned me about the blackhead part that hurt.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that's the best when they do the extractions, as we call them, extraction. Y'all you know I gave her a day at the spa that she's never actually taken me up on, like she has the you forgot to include the babysitter part, like are you flying out to watch the kids?
Speaker 2:I could, I could.
Speaker 1:Yes, I could.
Speaker 2:It's still on my radar, but I'm like you know what I'm. I already had the hair appointment and they posted on Instagram that they were doing facials for summer special and I was like I'm going to do it before I get my hair done. So I booked it a while ago and I was like, oh, so nice.
Speaker 1:So fun, so nice. And now she has been pampered. Self care in her 30s is officially on.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, so that's a change my self care era.
Speaker 1:That's a change, y'all. The theme is change. We're going to be talking about in a little while, like some of the major changes that have been done, like on the gram, as well as a change to change on float desk. If you're an emailer, we'll be talking about that, but right now we're talking about changes. So you did that's a major change you did in your life. Yeah, having a facial, would you do it again?
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, I actually already booked my next one with this girl, so Look at that.
Speaker 1:You better make sure that that doesn't expire by the way, that gift card does it expire? Do you know? You should probably check. I don't know.
Speaker 2:You should probably check. I'll call and explain what happened, because the hard thing is, this is why I haven't used it, you guys. It's 45 minutes away and so it's a real spa people not like it's a real spa. It's not my hair salon facial. So I'm like originally had it all booked, had a babysitter lined up and got deathly ill. So I'm like it takes a lot to find a babysitter for a full day thing.
Speaker 1:It takes apparently like a couple years. She'll find one, though, or the kids will babysit themselves. It'll be one or the other. It'll be old enough.
Speaker 2:I don't know, there we go, there we go, there we go. I'm going for that one.
Speaker 1:There we go change in my life. You know, I'm really in the rest cycle right now. For those of you who don't know human design as a manifesto, which is what I am, we rest 80% of the time and we create 20% of the time. We initiate, and I am in that rest, and so that's a change for me. This is the first time I've embraced my rest cycle and just said okay, you're resting, I see you, I hear you. Rest, lady, rest. Also a month anniversary. That's a change. I've been married for a month. What do you think about those apples?
Speaker 2:What.
Speaker 1:Married lady, married lady, and we got our pictures and they're amazing, so that's super fun.
Speaker 2:I need to see more of them, so please post more.
Speaker 1:I will post. They're so good, like they are so good Alfred. His name's Alfred, so you know he's gonna be good. Alfred Anderson think about that name. That is a photographer name it is. He nailed it, he did an amazing job and we are thrilled. So that's good. That's good stuff, yep. So change is the theme. Yeah, and yeah, I thought what we'd do is we'd talk about some of the changes and how they affect impact you to help your business in one way or another. I'm gonna tell you right now the biggest question I get asked by, just in general, if I look back on all the questions I get asked about Instagram how do I stop the creepy man? I'm like I don't have that magical power, but you know who does. Instagram does, and they just announced a major change that is going to help reduce the creepy males, but also it's gonna affect the way you do your business too. So listen up. Not that you're a creepy male, but listen up this is what they're doing.
Speaker 1:Okay, so starting, they said immediately, we'll see. You know they're rolling out. If someone is not, if you don't, let me say this right, if someone messaged you and you do not, you have an opportunity to accept their message. You all probably already seen that before. Right, you can accept, deny or block. So when it's somebody new and I'm not sure if they're following you or not, check on that. Let's say they're. But they can send you one message and it can't have any photos. So for those of you who are getting dick pics which I never did, but some people did they can't send you dick pics. So if they're not following you and they're, if you're not following, if you have, am I saying that right? If they're not following, no, that doesn't make sense. It's not just a follow thing.
Speaker 2:I think if you're not following them, because I'll follow someone and I still can't message without the accept and high block.
Speaker 1:Let me get the exact info. I want to say this right for everybody. I'll get the exact wording. It's not showing up. But here's the thing You're only allowed to send them one message. So for those of you who keep sending people things and they ghost you, they don't respond you can only send one message. So this literally has less to do with the creepy men and more to do with how we, as network markers, are doing our business.
Speaker 1:If you are spamming I'm going to use the word spamming If you're spamming people you don't know, we're sending people you don't know, messages. Maybe you're not spamming them and you keep sending them messages. You can't do that any longer. So that one message. If you see someone that you're like, they rock, I want to talk to them. I want to know them more. One day they join me in business to buy my product. You got to be really, really specific about that first message you sent, because you will be blocked from sending them any more messages unless they accept them. And let's face it, why are they going to accept it if they're not responding to you?
Speaker 2:So that does not mean send them a whole paragraph of a whole story of why they should join your business. No, it means you got to be really creative about that first message that you sent.
Speaker 1:Okay, I found it. Good Lord, it's here, okay, oh, y'all Sorry, okay. So Instagram is trying to make it more difficult for people you don't follow to spam you with unwanted DM request. So it is fall if they don't fall. So if this person is not following you, you don't get a right to just send them a bunch of messages. They tested this back in June and now they've rolled it out. They're only going to let users you don't fall send a one message invite before they can start chatting with you. One message you only get one shot to not miss this chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. You better lose yourself. You should know that's Michigan. You know that. All right, okay.
Speaker 2:Seven M. I saw them the other day.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right, okay. So the message can only contain text. So that means you no longer can see any unsolicited photos, videos or voice messages.
Speaker 2:So any of you who are loving the voice messages or doing the video.
Speaker 1:you can't. You get text black and white, put it out there. Okay, before you could do an unlimited number of messages, as many of you know, which now you can't.
Speaker 2:So now, to get one message to people that don't follow you and the way it looks yes, that's right, is this?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it literally says something like invite Taryn to chat, so that it'll have a little pop up if you're in, don't chat with them, invite Taryn to chat. And it says it'll say on it you can only send one message in this invite and that reminds you to remember the community guidelines. So you can send that one message and when you hit send, that's all you get my friends, okay, okay. Now this is what you need to know. It's time to change your couple of things. If you were doing bots some of you are like I want to do bots, bots, I bought spots. Think about that. If you have someone sending out messages for you, or if you were just sending out some blind messages to people, you need to be very strategic about what that message is, because you get one and like even if, like, you're commenting on their stories and stuff like, does that count as like one message?
Speaker 1:If you like, send a heart that I don't know and I haven't seen any reports on that.
Speaker 1:That is a very good question. I've not seen anything like how does that impact stories? We need to know Graham, let us know. Let us know Metta, let us know. But the thing about it is that their goal is they want people to be able to control their inbox, and I get that. But the thing about that is you've got to be very strategic y'all and, like Terence said, do not send a whole message about joining business, all these things. That's how you can guarantee not to get in. So what should you put? It's probably the question people are asking. If it's someone that you don't follow or that does not follow, you, excuse me, and you're sending them a message.
Speaker 1:My recommendation is this make sure you have done some commenting on their posts, some genuine commenting on their posts. So read their posts and do some genuine commenting on that, and then I still wouldn't go directly to the chat. I would spend maybe a week or two commenting on their posts. Most people shouldn't be posting like crazy. It's not like you have to do like 85 responses, right, and then, once you do that, then write a comment to them saying hey, love your content, had a question about blah, blah, blah. It would be great if you started with, I'm wondering, ask them a question based on what they posted, because we all know people answer questions, and not a question like would you like more information or would you like to buy from me? They're gonna answer questions like make them the expert. Ask them a question that has to do with what they've put out there, so that you can then start the dialogue.
Speaker 2:Yes, just like if you are going to a party and you're starting with some small talk and having a conversation with someone.
Speaker 1:Right, don't make it like where are you from? That's creepy.
Speaker 2:What do you do? Oh, where are you from? Is that your boyfriend? What's your sign?
Speaker 1:Yeah, do you have a boyfriend. What's your sign? Like nothing like that asks them something that's specifically about what they post. It could even be something like oh my gosh, I love that outfit you were wearing in your last post. Where did you get it? Boom.
Speaker 2:That would even work. Opens up a conversation.
Speaker 1:Yes, so there's someone who, like they, remember content.
Speaker 2:Hey, I saw you're reading that book. What did you think about it?
Speaker 1:Right. If there's someone who doesn't have like content is not their thing, so they're not putting out like. They're not a professional putting out content in some way, then I would say, like, make it genuine, Like oh, I loved that or this or that. Just don't make it creepy, Cause you are a stranger.
Speaker 2:I feel like they're starting to be a little bit of an elevation.
Speaker 1:Yes, I agree with you, but the reason I say don't make it creepy is because now you're thinking, oh crap, I have to do one question and try and spark the conversation. And we said, like conversational, like you just met them at the store. Well, you might be more like oh, where do you live? If you're at yoga? That would be weird to do on the gram with a message.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I see where you're going, yeah, so I don't think y'all are doing creepy right now, but when you think I got one question, what do I ask them? Then you're like the boy who's never like hit on a girl and you're trying to hit on a girl and you don't know what to say. I love your teeth, oh God.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You're gorgeous, thanks, okay, that's weird, yeah.
Speaker 2:Thank you. Where'd you get that toothpaste?
Speaker 1:And I will say too.
Speaker 2:So I have someone right now on my account who's like interacting and my grandfather has passed away and I made a post about it and she messaged me about it and it felt a little weird. Like that's an example of a weird like. Yeah, so sorry, I'm like I don't even know who the hell you are. Thanks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she could have put the so sorry on the in the comments.
Speaker 2:Like everybody else, yeah, like don't send me a message, it was a little.
Speaker 1:It was intrusive huh, you didn't like that. Eh, it felt a little intrusive yeah, yeah, you know speaking of that, because.
Speaker 2:I'm not following her back, so that's interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you go. But you know what's interesting about that is I posted a post about my grandma passing away and the first image was yeah, Because it happened to be like my, our one year anniversary, or one year, one month, One year Ah, time flies. And what's funny is you know the people who didn't read the caption and the people that did, Because the people who didn't are like oh my gosh, you look beautiful, that's so great. Which, thank you. I appreciate that, but probably not the response you would make if you read the caption. Ha ha ha.
Speaker 2:Where I literally talk about it.
Speaker 1:Read the whole thing. Read the caption. If you're gonna comment, don't just base it on the picture, because I'm like, oh, I'm not offended or anything, but I'm like, okay, you didn't, you didn't read it, it's all right, but you didn't read it. Yeah, take a little time, just a little, just a little. Take that moment. So the other big change.
Speaker 1:Okay. So there's that change. Yeah, just changes. That's going on right now is our good friends at Flo Desk made it a little bit easier for you to get people off of your social media and onto your gram, and I have to. Actually I'm gonna read what they sent, because I just think it was very I'm like oh, that's strong wording, but but or and I should say I appreciated it, because maybe y'all need to hear it from someone else, or rather than us. So what they said, which I thought was like oh, that's strong and I like it, so it's called social forms. But they literally said this we hear you. It's painful to put time and effort into social media only to risk losing your audience overnight dun dun dun or end up on the wrong side of the algorithm. Dun dun dun. So we spent the past few weeks building the easiest way for you to own your social media audience in three steps. What I love is like to own your social media audience. That's what we talk about.
Speaker 1:Like if you want to own them.
Speaker 2:Take those people you're hanging out with and then actually quote unquote own them.
Speaker 1:Own them. Yeah, so get them off of social media. Like they're your people, they're following you, they're your community. How do you own that? So you control the content? Now, y'all, they wouldn't make such a bold statement Like sometimes I think you're like, ah, does that really happen to people? That's not real. They wouldn't make such a bold statement here if it's not impacting businesses and network marketers and all the jazz in a big way and coaches in a big way. Like you do not own that content you want to own. You do not own that content and you do not own the people consuming it.
Speaker 1:So what they've done is they made something called social forms. If you're on flow desk already, you know that is what I recommend. There's a link at the bottom of this If you want to get a discount to and get a free month of joining it and a free year discounted 50% off. But what you're able to do is then make basically their version of a link in bio where that people can automatically immediately subscribe or even get your freebie, get your lead gen. So if you have flow desk, check it out because they added it on. You're not paying anything extra for it. It's just new feature inside of flow desk, which I love that it says social forms. It'll have a little new tag. If you don't have flow desk, maybe it's time for you to consider getting flow desk.
Speaker 2:Mine didn't. So I went into flow desk and mine was under forms, so I had to create a new form and then I could see social form.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, it wasn't like at the top Okay. So I was like where is this thing? And so I had to go like internally into it. So but it is there, and when you go to make a new form you have the option of like having the form built in, and then you can have places for other links right there. So people have one link that click from your bio.
Speaker 1:Yes, so you can link. You can even click, have a link like to your hero product or to other things as well too, on there, so enjoy it, and you can also have it branded out so it looks like you, it feels like you, all the things.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can do a little intro, make it cute, see. Yes, I love these, and that's it for changes, guys, it's like Changes. Yeah, I think that's the song I was maybe thinking of. I've been saying that's the beginning.
Speaker 1:Changed it. I doubt it. That's the song. It's. That's too. That's too old for you.
Speaker 2:This is an old song, though Changed with the times.
Speaker 1:That's another one. There they are, y'all. So hey, psn. By the way, if you have questions you'd love for us to answer here on the pod, please don't hesitate to just go to our Instagram at rockstalks. Don't you worry if I'm not following you, I am checking those out. I will approve your one question and then we can go from there Worry, not here to assist you and support you in all the ways. Also want to remind you that there are a bunch of awesome resources available for you on the podcast page as well as at rockstalksco. And yeah, that's what I got for you. You want to review this? Give us a review.
Speaker 2:That's what we got for you guys.
Speaker 1:Five stars. I believe that'd be awesome as well, too.
Speaker 2:Yes, we appreciate you all. You guys are rocking your business. Keep it up and keep tuning in. Bye, everybody. Thanks for listening to another episode of Rockstalks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories. Be sure to tag us over at Rockstalks.
Speaker 1:Always remember you're not ahead, You're not behind. You're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of Rockstalks. Thank you.