RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers

Blazing Your Own Trail in Direct Selling

Roxanne Wilson & Taryn Sowa Episode 251

Ever felt the pressure to imitate the success of others in your upline, sideline, or even women within other companies?

"Copy what I'm doing, and you'll succeed!"

We've all been there, but what if there was another way? Would you dare to go against the grain, to follow your own path to success even if it takes longer but makes you happier?

This episode takes you on a journey of self-discovery where we question if there's potential for a fresh, individualized approach to growing your business, ditching the rinse-and-repeat cookie-cutter approaches. 

So, if you've ever felt the weight of conformity in your network marketing journey, now is the perfect time to explore the uncharted territory of individuality and authenticity. Join us as we chat through the untapped power of pursuing success on your terms. Together, we'll uncover the potential for a new, more personalized approach to nurturing and expanding your business.

Need help on your path? Book a 15-minute compliment call with Roxanne:

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.

Speaker 1:

Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. There's a rumor going on right now. It's a very important rumor, taryn up my heart and it's been all over the internet. For those of us who love and think that it sounds like all the guys are in one place, like literary today they're all in New York City and the rumor is that they're going to surprise everyone at the VMAs. I haven't watched the MTV VMAs in like decades, but if it turns out to be true, you know I'll be watching tonight.

Speaker 2:

Thought you should know the VMAs are tonight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I think that's a weird night, but again, I haven't watched it in forever. So why would I know that? Tuesday seems weird to me, but maybe that's what the kids do these days.

Speaker 2:

I thought they were always on Sundays, so odd, interesting. I literally was just now very confused. I'm like wait, it's Sunday, why are we working?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I'm very excited about that because you know my boys, my men that are now men and think they've done it differently. Lots of people have gotten back together and they have like broke the mold of reunions Great example, but actually boys like they never left each other right? Do you know that right now, 98 degrees is practicing for their reunion? Oh gosh.

Speaker 2:

Well, you guys, if you heard the last few episodes or whenever I said like, just let it be, you don't need a reunion- your kids would say otherwise, but anyhow.

Speaker 1:

But you know, it's interesting because, like you think about boy bands and there's a definite mold for boy bands. It's almost cookie cutter, right. There's a formula for boy bands, and you have to ask yourself is that the only way to do it? No, has anyone really done it differently, though? Is there a boy band out there that has broke the mold?

Speaker 2:

And has been successful? I mean, I feel like you're the one to know the answer to that. It's definitely not me.

Speaker 1:

I am and I would say, not yet, folks, not yet. However, that doesn't fit the mold in everything. Okay, because listen, you think about like music in general. I think we could say that Taylor Swift has broken the mold.

Speaker 2:

She's a projector. Did you know that?

Speaker 1:

I didn't Adele's a manifestor. Did you know that?

Speaker 2:

I didn't.

Speaker 1:

No, there's a funny thing going on. Only Adele can, like, take a nine year sabbatical, come in for like nine months, do a song and then leave again for nine years, and whoever posted that about her doesn't know. She wasn't a bad manifestor, I'm like she's a manifestor, that's why. But yeah, she's a manifestor, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, taylor Swift breaking the mold. Yeah, I'm on for that.

Speaker 1:

Don't you think she has how she has, like she's in a lot of ways, not just the ways of her owning her own shiz and redoing her own music, but mold breaking. I would like to think we're going into a place, into an era, where everything does not have to be cookie cutter to be successful. I think we're going there. Don't you think, like you don't have to be cookie cutter to be successful?

Speaker 2:

Oh, 100%, which leads me to direct selling.

Speaker 1:

Okay, which is the quintessential cookie cutter mold. Put in a mold bake, put in the oven. You come out and you all look like stepford wives. Business in a box, business in a box. Is there another way? 1000%. And if there is another way, can you be successful at that other way?

Speaker 2:

So yes, also, I think it takes a pretty strong mindset to do it a different way. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

No offense to anyone else, but it probably takes a manifesto the other way. Here's why I say that Because if you know human design, the reason I say that is because you have so much pressure. You have so much pressure encouraging you to go the way that everybody else has gone.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the selling point of coming into direct sales. We already have the formula, you just follow it. That's it Sounds easy, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

That sounds like leave your brain at the door, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I guess in some ways that's refreshing. I don't have to think I can just do this and make money awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yes, especially if you're coming from it like it's a side hustle and then something you want to grow pretty quickly. It's like, yeah, I don't want to think about it, I just want to get my feet in and go.

Speaker 1:

This reminds me of myself as we're thinking, because when I joined, I definitely was in a space transitioning jobs and things where I didn't want to think and it was like, okay, this is something that I can do while I'm figuring out where I want to go with my career. I can do this, I don't have to think. I literally was like I don't have to think and I said, all right, I will give it. I think I said three months, maybe I don't know, but I'm like I will give it probably more time than that, but I will do exactly. I'll be coachable. As I say, I'll do exactly what you say to do and see where it gets me.

Speaker 1:

And I got my. I mean, listen, I was. I earned a trip to Banff within minutes. Basically, I earned my investment back. I got a $1,000 bonus within the first month. So I hear that. But I also raved against the machine. I could only play along for so long and then I was like my brain has to be here. I have to. I cannot just and not not. I don't want to say like. When I say my brain, I mean thinking for myself has to become a part of this, like now.

Speaker 2:

Was it because you were reaching a plateau or no? Like what was it? You just kind of knew, like hmm.

Speaker 1:

I knew there was a better way. It's almost like if you are sitting there and think about this, like you're like in a group of people and they're like, okay, we are going to go, we're at Disneyland I don't know, I've been in the ages, I've been in Disneyland and we're going to get to the actual Magic Kingdom. And you're at the front gate and they're telling you, okay, go this way. And the way they give you is like around, like Adventureland and all these ways. But you're like I can just go directly straight. Yes, I could get there that way. But why would I want to do that when I know in my heart of hearts I can go this way?

Speaker 2:

and get to where I want to go.

Speaker 1:

And that's what it was for me. I'm like why am I doing all these things that are unnecessary? One for me, this will work better.

Speaker 2:

For you. Well, someone else might think that that's the wrong way. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think part of it was well too is like why do we all have to go the same way? In my head, I'm like why do we all have to go the same way? If I would prefer to see these, I want to. Let's say, I want to go through Tomorrowland. Why can't I go through Tomorrowland? Why do I have to go back to Adventureland to get there? And I think the problem is that we don't celebrate that enough in direct selling, if you, because I'll tell you right now when I started to go, I'm going to go this way. So the people that were around my level whatever you want to call it and they or below, they're like oh yeah, this sounds great. People who were like maybe right where I was or above, were very bothered by the fact that I wanted to do it a different way.

Speaker 1:

Only a few innovators were like you're right, let's go this way. But it bothered them because I was doing something that wasn't the norm, that wasn't the wasn't the cookie cutter. Now some people would say to you, that's because it's not duplicatable. But that's not the case. They didn't take enough time to see if it was duplicatable, they just didn't like going another route. So then you go this other route and you get there faster, and then that bothers people too.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so what's the answer? Where are we going with this, I guess?

Speaker 1:

let's come out of Disneyland for a while and come back to reality.

Speaker 2:

I think the thing is, I was having fun at Disney. Land.

Speaker 1:

I know I kind of was like oh, I need to go. Yeah, I think the thing is this like we're going back to Disneyland, Okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, got my ticket.

Speaker 1:

You know Disneyland has this whole thing in Disney World. Disney is this thing where if you work, if you get on calling an employee, you're a character, right, they ever call everyone characters and if you were a character in Tomorrowland, like that's like the space, like Futureland, basically you're not allowed to be seen in Adventureland. Is it Adventureland? Did I keep them called for anything? I think it's Adventureland, the one that you said last.

Speaker 2:

Now I've never been to.

Speaker 1:

Disneyland, but you've been to Disney World.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, disney World. Okay, then they're the same. Then, yeah, there's an Adventureland.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, magic Kingdom, basically, is the same as Disneyland, so like you're not allowed to be seen in Adventureland, which is like Huck Finn and all those, because someone from the future would never be in the past. That's why they have tunnels, because they never want to confuse kids. And you are in this section. You should never be in that section. It's a little like and yeah, and so where am I going with this? You're like, okay, and your point is this If I am sitting there at the front of Disneyland and my guide is telling me to go to Adventureland, to get to Magic Kingdom, but the truth of the matter and I mean the castles, what I say, magic Kingdom is the castle, right, but the truth of the matter is I am not meant for Adventureland, I'm actually meant for Tomorrowland.

Speaker 1:

It's not going to work for me, I'm not welcome in that land, you get me. So let me bring this back to if you're being taught oh, here's a good example If you're being taught that the only that, the way from your upline or whomever, that the way to run your business and be successful is to do what she did, and what she did is she did a text messaging system and she did Facebook ads. This is a real world example Facebook ads that led to text messages and then you send out text messages for 60 days and you are someone who really do not like to do Facebook or you really don't like texting, but you feel like you have to do that because she says to do it. You are not going to be successful, even if you do exactly what she does. You're not going to be successful because A it doesn't feel right to you, so your energy is not going to be there. It's going to fall flat. You're not going to be successful because there's probably a reason it doesn't feel right for you.

Speaker 1:

Your gut, your intuition is telling you. Maybe you know that your audience, they don't do texting. Maybe that's what it is, but there's something that you're ignoring. So you could spend time, you could spend money, you could spend all the things trying to be in Adventureland, but if you're really meant to be in Tomorrowland, it ain't going to work. It's never going to work, and the thing about it is indirect selling. We so want to be like Mike. If I could be like Mike, I want to be, I want to be, I want to be like Mike. Do you remember that song?

Speaker 1:

No no, don't know that one, it was a commercial If the kid wanted to be like Michael Jordan and there's a whole song if I could be like Mike, like Mike, okay, my husband might know that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, you are a youngster, that's true. The thing is, if we spend all this time trying to be like someone else, we are actually negating ourselves. And it could. It might sound cliche, I don't care, but you are the best you, y'all you can only be the best you. I cannot be a great Terran. I cannot frolic in the woods like Terran was on her Instagram stories. Did y'all see that? It was like an infinite fairy all rolled into one. I can't do that. I mean, I have good hair for it, but beyond that, I do. Right, she had a flower crown, y'all she was doing that.

Speaker 1:

She made again. See, I rest my case. I could not be a great Terran. I would be a, a, a. I would be a poor imitation of Terran. You'd be like what is that? Bring me the, bring me the actual Terran.

Speaker 2:

I want the real deal yeah.

Speaker 1:

Terran duplicate. We have to realize that even in a company and even in a business and even in industry where, yes, there's certain things and skills that you can do over and over again repetition we have to be able to put on our own flair and celebrate that. And here's what happens. When someone tries to go do their own thing, what happens is people go oh yeah, it's not going to be successful for you, or you didn't hit this, this, you haven't hit this mouse on yet because you did it your own way. Maybe it just takes a different amount of time. And who's to say that if you did it the way everyone else did, that you would get there, because I got news for you, baby girl. You wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I think about when I joined a more recent company. The advice was okay, now reach out to all your family and friends. And I'm like, oh gosh, I really thought this advice was dead. But that advice might work for someone else. It is not going to work for me, and I knew it wasn't going to work for me, so I didn't even bother with it.

Speaker 1:

Do you know how many people I know that come in there. I don't want to do that. I don't want to reach out to everyone, but then they feel like they have to because they do it anyways and look like spammy Tammy and and it comes and they feel weird about it, but then they're like, oh but, or they're not willing to accept that. If you're not going to do it that way, it might take you longer, and that is okay.

Speaker 2:

That one's a hard pill to swallow because it's like you know, when you are coming into direct sales you don't want it to take long, like you do want to see some wins in the beginning. So it's like how do you get your footing right away to find what works for you?

Speaker 1:

You know. So I coach a lot of network marketers as you know this, taryn and it can be a constant struggle for them, like they'll come to me and say I don't want to do that, I don't want to do other reachouts. I'm like great, now you have to remember that. You have to write that down. I tell them, like if that's how you really feel, that is great. We will set up a system for you that works for you. But you have to understand that you are going to feel the pressure.

Speaker 1:

The natural current is going to be pulling you the other way. You're going to hear people in, like your little power hours or your sessions where everybody meets together and you listen to these. They're going to tell you these stories of how they were successful and it's going to be different from what you said. And when they look to you and you may not be as far along as they want you to be or you want to be, they're going to say, well, did you do your reachouts, did you reach out to? And you're going to feel like you're not where you want to be because you didn't do it the way that you already said. You didn't want to do it that way, and it's a constant.

Speaker 1:

I have to reframe. I'm like I'm just telling you this now and I'm going to let you know. I'm going to remind you of this because you're going to come back and go. Ah, I wonder, or you're going to start doing those things and you've got to remember that. That's not, that that's not. You didn't want that in the first place. Mm, hmm, mm, hmm. Constant battle and struggle.

Speaker 2:

Constant. I mean, I felt it and I'm like, oh, this is, maybe I should even any question yourself, but you need to trust yourself in this business. This is still your business, even though it does come with a cookie cutter option, you can still trust yourself and you do your own cookies.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can, but here's the here's. What I love about coaching is I don't have a dog in the fight. I don't actually make commission off of your sales, yeah. So if you come to me and you say my goal is I want to recruit or I want to, whatever your goal is, I'm here to help you get to that goal without having that, oh my gosh. Yeah, she says she wants to recruit, but if she sells 85 more things this week, I get a great commission, I get a bonus or I get a trip. That didn't happen, yeah. So it's literally like that's what I love about coaching is like I want to see you succeed on how you define success, and I am not personally benefiting from your activities except for just feeling good and excited for you.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a really good call out and that's where more confusion can come in, because you're applying, they're also in business for themselves, right? So they're going to have a bias of what they're coaching you on, because then they benefit 100% necessarily bad. I'm not calling anyone out.

Speaker 1:

It just is the way that the system is built right, and you're so right about that and I hear that there. But there always comes a time in that relationship where, even with the most supportive upline, there are seeds of doubt and distrust from their downline, because the downline knows you make money off of me. I have seen some of the most what I would call the healthiest relationships between an upline and a downline and still that question comes to me where someone's like I don't know they said this or, but did they just do that Because they want to get money out of me? Is it just so they can get their title, their bonus? That question is always going to be in the head of your downline and I understand it. That's why I am like I gotcha, I'm with ya.

Speaker 1:

One of the other things I love about it is being able to come up with that custom solution for somebody and then tweak it however it needs to be tweaked. It's a fun like I love it. I love it. I'd be remiss to not say that I do have some openings for coaching right now. Ooh, I do.

Speaker 2:

Post-wedding Roxanne's ready to open back up.

Speaker 1:

Girl, I am here and I'm. Are you ready? Yes, I'm ready, I am ready and I'm super excited because, of course, just leading into the end of the year and helping people get to their goals, there's still a lot of time in the year. Y'all I think, oh my God, there's a lot of time for a lot of magic to happen, which you know what I'll do, so we can put this on the show notes of the podcast episode. You're listening, but actually I'm gonna offer you I do like consultations. I don't know if y'all knew this or not, but I do like 15 minute consultations just to see because, listen, I may not be the coach for you Gonna tell you that right now.

Speaker 1:

You may not be the client for me Again.

Speaker 2:

See the Boom Boom this is the benefit of this is a two-way street. This is a two-way interview.

Speaker 1:

That's right, and it's the benefit of like okay, when someone joins your team, you have them. They're like okay, they're yours. What are you gonna do? Like it's not like that, Like I might be the person for you, you may not be the person for me. So we can like figure out if we're compatible and, if so, make some magic happen.

Speaker 2:

So we'll put the link on there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a free consult. Let's figure each other out and see if we're a good fit, and if you're not a good fit for me, I can send you to somewhere else too. I'm happy to do that, no pressure.

Speaker 2:

I love coaching. I personally am a fan in all aspects of my life. I always have some sort of coach because there's always someone who's a few steps ahead of you that can help you along the way. And I mean, granted, roxanne, you've been in the game for a long time, so it's not like you're just like an upline where, oh, I've been in this for six months longer than you, you know, you see so many different sides of all the different companies and you get a much bigger picture view.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for that, and I do think I don't talk about recordentials a lot, but I will say the fact that I do see the corporate side and I meet with corporate as well for many companies and I coach on the field side, as corporate call it as well too, gives me a unique perspective that I don't know that anyone else really has out there. So soak it up, take it from me, I'm here for you. I agree with you, though. I love coaching. I mean I have a personal coach, or trainer as they call them for like working out, but, like you know, have my human design. It's so important to have coaches that'll help you along the way because, like you said, not only are they further along, but also that's their expertise, and we can't expect to know everything about everything. That's one of the issues, like with an upline why do we think our upline should know every part of a business? That's that's recoculus is one of my friends says get it, ooh, recoculus.

Speaker 1:

Not ridiculous recoculus, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It is. And you guys, I think kind of putting a bow on this is because when we first sat down to talk about this topic, I'm like, oh, but people want it to be cookie cutter, right, like that's one of the perks. But actually I think the perk is that you get to make it your own and it's okay, and to find the support to like, find your strategy for growing your business is and that's empowering.

Speaker 1:

That's where the fun comes. I think Right. And that's going to get excited about what you do and the impact that you're making in people's lives and all the things.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that gets you away from the ick of network marketing. Right, because it's going to be icky if you do it the way that you don't feel good with. But if you find a way that good feels good for you, you're going to show up, you're going to grow, you're going to get sales, you're going to get your team, like it's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Period Go to Tomorrowland. Don't feel like you have to go to Adventureland.

Speaker 2:

We are not going to Adventureland, so come with us over to Tomorrowland. Yeah, I'm in the tunnel, I'm going yeah.

Speaker 1:

I do want to take a trip in the tunnels. That would be the coolest thing.

Speaker 2:

That would be really cool. I didn't know that was a thing, so count me in, I would do it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you look that whole, but there's a whole like there's a tunnel system underneath Disney World for sure. I think this is the coolest thing. What's going on with you Speaking of cool things, my favorite. So this weekend, you guys.

Speaker 2:

I was frolicking in this place called Remus, michigan. I don't really know where it was, but there is a music festival called Wheatland and it was their 50th anniversary and we have some family friends that go and it's like I'm trying to describe the kind of music folk maybe a little hippie-ish, but not like the dubstep hippie, like the hippie from like Woodstock, where you're like chilling hanging and arm put hair hippie yeah.

Speaker 2:

That one arm hair hippie, you know everyone was wearing tie dye. I made a floral crown. It was a crown War that we brought the kids. There was so many like crafts for the kids and places for the kids to hang out so we had a blast with that. That was kind of our like last Michigan Hurrah before we go with you.

Speaker 1:

No, he did. Okay, he worked. I couldn't imagine frolicking in the woods, yeah.

Speaker 2:

A lot of us went without our spouses, like my father-in-law didn't come, my brother-in-law came because he likes that I'm just there for the people, like I was there for hanging out with my people.

Speaker 1:

You were there to frolick in the woods. What I saw on the gram was you, just in case yeah, if you don't follow Taryn, you should. What I saw was Taryn literally going in circles, maybe singing, but like going around in circles, kind of like a ring around the rosy, yes, and you guys both had crowns on and you're like I'm like okay, she's feeling her oats.

Speaker 2:

And you guys, I was not on drugs, so I need to call that out Like it wasn't that kind of festival. We were just having a good time, high on life and frolicking.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, like if it wasn't kid-friendly, they all would have been like still G rated, but they would have all been naked running around. But like not a bad way.

Speaker 2:

I didn't see any nudity Like, but yeah, you're right, I feel like that could be the next level to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, like those Botticelli babes or whatever, that had the hair that was so long so it covered all their private parts, but they were naked running around. That's what I thought. I'm like, okay, that's where she is, she's just having a good time. It was an episode of Charmed. If you ever watched Charmed back in the day with Prue and Piper and Phoebe, like there was one where they have these nymphs and they're running around frolicking in the and then these bad wizards come and get them. They throw orbs at them. But anyway, she was one of those nymphs. Yes, yes, slowly.

Speaker 2:

We were, and I am now exhausted from a weekend of hanging out with people having fun and we. I'm on the island right now. You guys, this is my last day. This is the last time I'll record on the island. I've got a horse taxi coming later and we're leaving.

Speaker 1:

One last thing I'll say about the nymph and then we'll come back to this is that next time you need to bring a recorder. I think you need to be playing a recorder going on the circle Right.

Speaker 2:

You guys know I play the flute. I was first chair flute and I was in the marching band. So Okay, then bring a piccolo, that'd be even better. Wait, I've got one more thing to say. Listen to this, guys. So where we were camping, when we woke up like there was a circle of people playing like they're fiddle.

Speaker 1:

Not surprised. See my points.

Speaker 2:

There was fiddle lessons and ukulele sessions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you needed to bring that flute and then the kids could have had the recorder and it would have been perfect. Maybe a tambourine yeah, maddie could have had a tambourine Tambourine.

Speaker 2:

Harmonica yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Cowbell, it's a little too aggressive.

Speaker 1:

We don't need more cowbell there. Last day on the, on the, I almost said the farmer on the island Are you excited?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want out, I need to get out of here, and then we're going to Michigan for like five days and then we're officially moving to Nashville.

Speaker 1:

So here we go, everything packed and ready to go. No, absolutely not On the island. Yes, at home.

Speaker 2:

No, but you guys, podcast listeners, guess what I'm doing on Wednesday tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

She's not frog in the woods, she's not going to a concert.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know what you're doing. I'm going to the spa. I'm going to the spa.

Speaker 1:

We just take a moment out here, pause. If you've been a Loyal Rocks Talks podcast listener, you know that a year and a half ago almost exactly for Taryn's birthday because she's an Aries she got I gave her a spa day because she's never been to like a real spa. I want to remind you I said a year and a half ago almost to the day, yeah, she was going to go. Then she got sick and then there to go again. I didn't think she was ever going to go. Seriously, I was on something that I'm like, yes, she'll never go, and then I get a note from you saying that you booked it and I was like, oh, the stars have now aligned.

Speaker 2:

My husband's getting me crap because I was like I'm not going to be home till like 9 o'clock. It's open till 8. It's about an hour away. I'm like I will not be back. He's like what I'm like no, I will not and I will not have my phone on me, so you cannot message me.

Speaker 1:

Jeremy may have spoken in class today, but you're not coming back till 9. I love that. I want to hear all the things I will.

Speaker 2:

I'll fill you in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm so excited, so good.

Speaker 2:

How are you? You guys are in Boston for a week.

Speaker 1:

I think I'll go to Boston. I think I'll start a new night. That's a good song, by the way.

Speaker 2:

It is a good song. I do know that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a sad song, but it's so good. You don't know me, it was great. We had a wonderful time, spent time with my in-laws. First of all, let me just say Baylor was a champ. Baylor is a service dog, so she was able to fly with us and people wanted to take pictures with her. I'm not kidding, she had paparazzi.

Speaker 2:

You're like she is working.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the flight attendants were stopping to hang out with her. And then we're like what would she like to eat? I'm like she did not pay for her seat. She's not eating.

Speaker 2:

She is on the clock there will be no lunch.

Speaker 1:

Exactly what in the world. She's great though. So Scott's brother had a Labor Day party and we were there and his parents didn't know we were coming and so when they came in, we were there and we surprised them. It was just really great. We hung out with them throughout the week. We got to see Taylor and Jax went up to Jax's school in New Hampshire and I can't do a Bostonian exit I don't even know why I try and we were staying on a beach town. So Salisbury is where we stayed Salisbury, yeah, because they live in Danvers and Newburyport and all those places and then up in New Hampshire. But it was fun. We worked from there and we'd walk. I'm like, let's go. I'm like I'm going to get ice cream. He's like what? I'm like I'm going on their version of a pier. Like here in California we have piers. They just there wasn't a pier, but it was like everything but a pier. Does that make sense? Oh, ok, Like you've been to a pier.

Speaker 2:

Like a boardwalk. I have been to a pier.

Speaker 1:

We do have a boardwalk, but doesn't a boardwalk go out into the ocean or no?

Speaker 2:

No, a boardwalk is usually like along the area, and then your pier goes out.

Speaker 1:

Ok, so they have boardwalk under the boardwalk, but there was no under. I don't know so. But they had, like that area, but you didn't go out. There was not a pier Like we have Santa Monica pier. We have all the piers here. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Navy pier like in Chicago, like that's a, that's a pier, sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

No piers here or there, but we went and got ice cream and that was fun.

Speaker 2:

Did you see a sunset or sunrise? What do you guys like? The rise, sunrise sunset.

Speaker 1:

We like sun. I've been singing so many songs in this podcast. Oh my gosh. Ok, we did not see a sunrise. We did this weird like sleeping thing, but we weren't on vacation, so that's probably why I don't consider vacation for working.

Speaker 2:

So then I've never been on vacation.

Speaker 1:

Well then, we need to put that on your bucket list, my dear.

Speaker 2:

I didn't actually work while I was frolicking in the forest, though, so that was a vacation.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it was a really good time, a really good trip. And then we're back at it now. I'm on a seven day cleanse, y'all from Prest. I went. I'm like I'll get some juices it's been a while and they have a seven day cleanse, like OK. They said you need to like make sure you stay at home If you're going to go out, do not take it. I'm like really, and they said it was the same stuff that's in their wellness shop, but it's milder so you can drink it, and higher concentrates. I'm like OK, but I will say day one it worked.

Speaker 2:

So, we haven't had to pause the podcast. We made sure it worked before that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got up like 4 or 3 o'clock and took care of that thing. So, all right, I think that is everything that you need to know about today. Oh, I do want to say we had a couple of notes about the podcast I almost forgot. First of all, molly reached out. She listened to the podcast where we were trying to change, change, changes and so she thought it was yeah, she thought it was David Bowie's. She said it changes. But you said, I think on a podcast that hasn't released it, which is why she hadn't heard it. That was a different song, right.

Speaker 2:

The song I was thinking of was wrong. It was. That's just the way it is, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

That some things will never change by Bruce Horn's being the range. That's right. Ok, that I couldn't remember. I was like, oh, I need to tell her, but I couldn't remember was. And then also we got a note from Nancy, one of our power listeners. By the way, if you send us notes about the podcast, we're going to shut you out. That's how it works. So she said, hey, love the podcast on MRR, on the MRR bullshit that's going on right now. I just feel like it's so slimy and makes network marketing look bad. You girls are right. Right, people don't like, don't like hard, and therefore to hear that they can make like $500 at once is very attractive to them.

Speaker 1:

My question is she has a question how many of the $500 deals can you actually sell before? After you hit up on your top three or five people, you'll be done, and I don't believe that you get residual income off of them Like a team, you don't. You don't exactly like a team. So if you sell one of those and then the person turns around and sells it to someone else, do you make anything off those sales? No, you don't. So basically, it's not sustainable. It's a quick fix. That's my two, my Nancy's two cents worth. That was good, nancy. Yep, correct Yep. And she also said tell Terrin to message me because she's moving to.

Speaker 1:

Nashville and I can help her. Oh, all right, okay, good yeah, so that was great. Thank you for reaching out and chatting about that. We love you, nancy, and appreciate it. And, molly, thank you for your voice message about change. No, it's not the David Bowie. She did say Terrin might be too young for that.

Speaker 2:

And she was. I'll listen to it now. I can let you know we love you guys. I appreciate you. Keep rocking your business and if you have any questions that you want us to answer to, we are here. We will do an episode so bye all.

Speaker 2:

See you later. Thanks for listening to another episode of Rock Talks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories. Be sure to tag us over at RocksTalks.

Speaker 1:

Always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind, you're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of RocksTalks.

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