RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers

Adding Income Streams Without the Overwork

Roxanne Wilson & Taryn Sowa Episode 253

Have you ever wondered how to add more income streams to your portfolio without overworking yourself? We've got you covered. From user-generated content to helping others, we'll guide you on how to seize these opportunities without the stress. Of course, we won't leave out the essential part - investing in yourself.

But that's not all! This episode shares some insightful tips on how to prioritize your time effectively and make your social media presence profitable. You will learn how to audit your time, outsource tasks that don't contribute directly to your income, and streamline your social media for better returns.

Once you find your voice and trust your life choices, the sky is your limit. So, buckle up and join us on this journey towards financial success. It's going to be one enlightening ride!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.

Speaker 1:

Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. You know it's the time of year. It's the most wonderful time. No, it actually is not the most wonderful time of the year. Do you know? There's a time of year that I don't think is the most wonderful, and it's right now. Did you know that?

Speaker 2:

Halloween time.

Speaker 1:

Hate it, stop it. True, true, true, what? Okay, there's a couple reasons. I was the girl, so we didn't celebrate Halloween. My family's from the Caribbean. My parents grew up in a costal. Halloween is not a holiday we celebrate, and so we're worshiping devils. Right, exactly, and so literally. When I was in elementary school, when there was a Halloween party, I'd have to go to the library, which is okay because I like to read. At the time, I read a lot, but that's how I'd spend it. There was one other girl who didn't, for a little while too, and I'd see her there. But yeah, so there's that. But really, and it's fine, I've dressed up in my adulthood, not like the sexy whatever.

Speaker 2:

Oh, rock, jingles and bunny.

Speaker 1:

I think I dressed up once For Jazzercise. I did. I dressed up as a throwback Jazzercise instructor and have I ever told you this story? Okay, because I thought it was going to be great. Okay, so I thought it was amazing. The what is it? The Unitar, that's up the butt and everything. Yes, and I went and I got leggings and I got leg warmers and I get up and the headband. I get up there to teach, like, okay, the Halloween class and everyone's there. First of all, leg warmers are freaking hot. Okay, to me, jazzercise class and leg warmers is a bad. I had to take those off. But the worst part was this I got, because I did talk to I got the Jazzercise, like what do they call it? The Unitar, the?

Speaker 1:

Unitar is it Okay?

Speaker 2:

I get tired, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Lea Tard, I got it from an instructor who'd been teaching back then. She still had it, so it had Jazzercise, literally, on it. Okay, but here's the issue. I wanted to match it and it was like a burgundy, it's like a grayish color and like this navy blue, and I wanted to match it. So I got brown leggings. Well, you know what color my skin is? Brown, right. And then you turn around and you're wearing these brown shiny leggings that look like your skin tone. It literally looks like your ass is out.

Speaker 2:

So you're wearing a song and you're Jazzercise class.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like I can't turn around. I'm so sorry. It's like I wouldn't turn around the whole class because I'm also up on a podium, like on a stage, and I'm like I am not showing this huge. It was in this like gymnasium auditorium, like like gym. I'm like I am not showing it on my butt. I am so sorry. Yeah, that's my story.

Speaker 2:

That's sad.

Speaker 1:

Why didn't you go with yellow, like I was thinking, yellow, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, and then but I? What I really don't like about this time of year is the fact that I don't like scary movies, and I think it is actually triggering and an emotional and abuse that I'm sitting here watching TV shows, having a good time, and they throw on a scary commercial with no warning about some scary movie.

Speaker 2:

I cannot stand that. So, guys, I love scary movies. I love this time of year. I'm the complete opposite of you. I don't actually dress up, though, but if I am watching like a show and a nice show, having a good evening, and they pop in Megan or some creepy little girl out of nowhere, like no, you, just you ruined it I'm going to turn it off. That wasn't in the mood.

Speaker 1:

I'm right there and they've been doing that lately, and so I start singing. It's kind of like what do you know? Like I got to get it through the movie. I close my eyes and I'm like because it's just, I don't like that stuff in my head. Yeah, anyway, hi.

Speaker 2:

Hello, good morning. Good morning. Roxanne doesn't like Halloween, so that's why she's always singing Christmas tunes the most.

Speaker 1:

What? Thank goodness Costco is with me and they're already doing like Christmas all the way. Okay, so you're Christmas tree, christmas gifts, you're all the things they're out there on Costco.

Speaker 2:

I do. You know. We're not bringing our Christmas tree with us here to Nashville, so I need a new tree.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you do. Well, costco has them. I'm glad we started with the highs and the lows of this time of the season because, well, I also need just a quick, quick shout out the day we're recording this is the day the new in sync song fully dropped, so if you haven't listened to it yet, better place take a listen. Okay, all right, love you and thank me. I'm going to go through it before now so I can go through times. Okay, so I've been having a lot of conversations lately yeah, a lot of them with, when I like, with people in different aspects of the network marketing, direct selling industry, and when I say that I don't only mean my clients, I don't, I also mean like the corporate side of things. I just came back from a convention, had so much fun in Dallas for where I was at the pharmacy convention and I did like focus groups and stuff with them, but also talking to top, top leaders in companies that you are who are listening, are with, and overall the sentiment is times be tough.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, typically when the end, when, like the, there's a lag in the market, well, network marketing shoots up. But we have this thing called you know you, for if you listen to rocks talks podcast, I've called it the lockdown right 2020. It had such a big surge for people who are in direct selling and the companies that they have not had an opportunity to like. You know, when everything goes up, what is it?

Speaker 1:

What it's like what goes up must come down right, and so I feel like the down is so much grander because the up was just so quick.

Speaker 2:

Skyrocketed up. It's like do you feel like right now it's kind of trying to balance it out Like it's like whoop and we don't have the support to continue.

Speaker 1:

So it's like yes, someone said and I thought it was great Like this is the pruning season for network marketing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pruning, that's off Literally what was going into my head. Yes, it's like the people who were in it to just make quick money did great in lockdown, cool, awesome. Now it's like are you in it for real or not?

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm and the people who joined, thinking that that really is oh my gosh, it is getting rich quick are having a reckoning of do I want to do this, if it's work or not, and I think the people who were there before are forgetting what it was like before 2020. And so it's like you have this amnesia. You don't remember anything before 2020 and you're having a hard time as well, too, Mm-hmm. Problem with that is this is a belief industry. It is so reliant on your belief, and we're not gonna sit here and be like okay, if you just believe, if you have some positivity, it's all gonna work out. You know what I mean? I'm not saying positivity is a bad thing. I'm just saying that I'm not gonna sell you, it's all gonna work out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not through. Yeah, Gotta put a motor behind that positive video, okay? Yeah, All right, your shit does stink. Okay, Like it doesn't. Anyhow, I got the song in my head but so I think it's good to talk about in like real talk. And I will say I'm hearing some people like, oh, times are hard, but you know, my way is the way and I just we're not really here to tell you our way is the way. We're just here to give you some real world. Like if you are looking to make money right now and really most people in the world are looking to make money when you say, like, even those who don't work married someone who made money for them so they don't have to make money like everyone, we do need money when it comes down to it.

Speaker 1:

Makes the world go around, makes the world go around. And so if you're finding that, I guess the first thing I would say is actually this is not a time to think oh my gosh, network marketing, all those things people say about it like they were right.

Speaker 2:

It's dying. Oh my gosh, Like I think we're still gonna stand with our stay ups. We did the is network marketing dying earlier in the season and we're gonna stick with our stay ups.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we stand by that. It is not dying.

Speaker 2:

It is dying.

Speaker 1:

It's pruning.

Speaker 2:

it's changing, it's coming. Well, we all had to adjust after we left the house and took our masks off. Network marketing is doing the same thing In a big way.

Speaker 1:

And so, when we've talked about well, let's dive into the what to do. Okay, so, like I guess I want you to know, like, if you want to make money in network marketing, if you're like, I don't wanna give this up, I love the environment, I love the people, it's done things for me, I love the product. Heck, this is our, these are the things we're gonna give you and, honestly, this is not something we're just gonna talk about one and done, because I think that would be short-sighted, because there's a. This is like your time to work, it's pruning season, and pruning season doesn't mean just mean like we're cutting off the dead weight. It also means that if you are here, you can better yourself and make things happen. You can prune and evolve.

Speaker 2:

I like this, I really like this topic. So it's like we're giving you guys actual tips on how like you can make this work right now. We're not just gonna come on here and be like oh folks, social media, social media is so great, Like we kind of gotta go a bit broader today.

Speaker 1:

We do, and also I wanna invite you to share this with anyone else that you know that's struggling with us. Okay, and I think one of the reasons it's been on my heart like I've been wrestling Taryn was like we should talk about and we're gonna talk about you'll see, it's coming. And something was wrestling with me and I think what was wrestling me over the last week is the fact that people okay, let me just take a pause. We talked about MRR recently and I've talked about it a few times on Facebook or Instagram lives and I always look at like, look at the clues, or why are people doing this? Why is this thing picking up? And it's because people need money. It's desperation.

Speaker 1:

I know that half the people who are running around doing it wouldn't be doing it if you weren't desperate or you felt desperate like you needed to make money. Your paychecks, usually getting from your company, have gone down dramatically and you're looking for other ways and so we wanna give you. We can't just sit here and go okay, that thing is whacked, don't do it. We gotta give you an opportunity or some options that well, better options at five years down the road you can sleep at night instead of just saying don't do it. Yeah, so number one is this y'all, if you still want to work your network marketing business, focus on your products. Now, I know this probably goes against a lot of things you hear. Leave with the business. But the truth of the matter is do you want dollars in your pocket, like the next time you get paid which some of you is daily, some of you is monthly, some of you is weekly then focus on selling the products. Because here's the thing One of the things about network marketing that can grade you at different times is when you have a team, you can't control other people.

Speaker 1:

You can't. You can't control how much they put into their business, whether they decide there. I know, like someone recently who just said, peace out, like it happens all the time. You can't control that. But what you can control is your relationship with your customers and you can control the amount of time you put into sharing about the products you believe in. So start there. That will give you an instant boost to your paycheck.

Speaker 1:

And the other thing, yeah, and the other thing about that is this like, don't get it twisted. People who buy your product can definitely turn into people who want to sell it as well too. But the other reason I tell you to focus on the product is because see this time and time again when you're kind of down in the dumps because your check has gone down or your team has been dissipating, you cannot authentically go to someone and say, oh my gosh, you should totally join. It's amazing. I have belief in this, it's done this, and that because your belief is shattered right now. I love that you can't, because that's integrity. There's nothing wrong with that. But what I'm saying is, if that's the case, then talk about the thing you do believe in and you believe in the products. Odds are, you're using them on a regular basis. Lean into that and sell that.

Speaker 2:

So cut, literally prune off what you were doing to build a team right now. That's okay, you can come back to it. Focus on the products. That's very actionable.

Speaker 1:

I know it's controversial, but whatever we don't care.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're here for.

Speaker 1:

That's right. You want to make money right now. Focus on selling those products. With that, though, it does mean well. It takes me to the next thing, which is like okay, it's time for you to really do a time audit on what you're spending your time on. Literally stop spending your time on things that are not going to directly make you money. Get back to the basics of yet. You got to talk to people. Yes, you got to check in with your customers, because when you do that, they're more likely to purchase again. Yes, there's more. What other things, taryn, because I know that you have a couple. You've got to send your emails?

Speaker 2:

Yes, you do, probably. Probably AKA you should I don't like saying should, but show up on social media. Show up on social media. Maybe for you that's posting a story, maybe for you it's chatting with some people on the DMs. You can choose where you want to show up, where you know it's going to generate income, but you've got to be doing those things you do.

Speaker 1:

You're probably saying, but okay, if I'm making, there are things that you were doing right now that aren't directly making you money, like I'm spending all this time on Canva creating things I'm doing, there are things that aren't making you money. Listen, here's my thing. I'm not saying they're not important to your business. A well-rounded business, whether it's a corporate business or not, has a marketing department, has all these other aspects to it, but if it's something that you don't physically, personally need to do to move the business forward, then you need to outsource it or let it go. So, like, for example, if you are selling product, guess what? You're the one who needs to be talking to the person about it at some point. You are an essential worker. If we go back to lockdown, my sister was an essential worker. You're an essential worker. You still have to go to work. She still had to go to the hospital. They're like, oh no, you don't have to go, she still had to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that is your essential work Creating your social media plan or creating, except for showing up live or DMing people. You can outsource it. This is what I'm trying to say. You can outsource that. You can outsource that easily. It's what we do with our clients. That's what we do for our clients. We literally either fully do their social media or social templates club. You get the templates if you do want to spend time on it, but y'all, this is the time to go. Listen, let me find a way so that I don't have to be doing that part, so I can go okay, when I'm selling this water bottle, I know I'm going to make $20 off of every water bottle I'm going to sell, so I'm going to focus on selling this water bottle. I guarantee you when you do that, the time you spend focused on selling this will make up for the money you're spending to outsource it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and outsource it too. I like to kind of say you guys, there's so many tools and services out there that make your things quicker. So I know you gave the example of like we fully do someone's social media, but there's also options out there where, yes, can you get templates, email templates, social media templates, can you use different AI tools. We're not going to go into that today, but there's other things that can speed up your process because, okay, you know you need to show up on social media. How can you make it faster and more efficient? Can you repurpose some of your old content that you posted before? Maybe change the background color on Canva, or maybe you posted about something and you did a whole graphic. Could you get on Stories and show your face and talk about it?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, waste to speed up that process. That does not mean I'm going to take a full Canva course and then y'all, I love Canva, but there's too much in Canva. If you thinking it like, please don't learn Canva right now, yeah, please don't.

Speaker 2:

There is a lot. It used to be so much easier to learn, but now it's a whole tool.

Speaker 1:

But it's a whole tool, but it also means like it might be like right now I'm doing social flow right, and social flow is we're literally, for three weeks, people who know they need to get their email funnels going. I really am their accountability and their coach so they get the stuff done. That's what it is. So they know in three weeks they're going to really get it done and they're not going to be like, oh, one day I need to do it. Like, literally, it might be that you need a coach or an accountability partner to get the stuff done. That's going to speed up the process. So you have it forever. There's different ways to do it. Yeah, so set it and forget it. Set it and forget it. It could be like you said templates with social emails, we give them templates. Can you believe it's almost been a year? I can't believe that with social emails.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes. I'm like social templates club is more than a year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but social emails there it is and you have the templates. You fill in the blanks, like Mad Libs. You're too young to know, Mad Libs, but it was a thing and you're good to go. So use the tools that are going to save you time. Like you said, Taryn, speed up the process so you can focus on the things that are making money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think it's safe to say here is so maybe social media does take you more time, but you know it results in more connections and sales. So, being okay with I'm going to take my time that I was maybe using for something else, talking with my team, blah, blah and I'm going to move it over here and not necessarily shrink the time, like give it the time it needs, so that's okay too.

Speaker 2:

You're reevaluating and putting it where it needs to and assessing like does this need more time, less time? Do I need to find something that makes me faster?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, really, thinking through it all, Absolutely, and then we should like stop talking to your team. We don't mean that, but we do mean it. You know this. You've been heard this If you're not at a certain level in your business, your time should be 80% of your time should be spent on your own business and 20% or less should be spent on fostering your team. Often, when we get a few recruits, we want to just focus on them because that's easier than having to get out there and do the income producing activities. That's a really good reminder, terrin, to assess that, especially depending on where your team is. And if your team is shrunk, that is a good indication to move over to focus on you growing your own business. The next one is this you know we Oftentimes, when you talked, when you were talking about, when you were being talked to about joining the business, or as you talked to people about joining the business, you talked about multiple streams of income.

Speaker 1:

You probably even quoted Warren Buffett and said he said you need to have six streams of income and it's like this is why you should join. It's another stream of income? Oh, seven, it could be seven, seven streams, 25 streams of income. But then you join network marketing and it's like a whole community and there's all these things and it's a shiny toy and, as a result, did you focus on other streams of income. I'm curious.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it was making more money than the other and you said let me just fooey on that one, I'll come over here. We all do it right. You focus on the thing the squeaky wheel. Squeaky wheel might be the thing that's squeaky because money's coming out. I want you to ask yourself how many streams of income do you have? If you have your nine to five business working nine to nine, I love her. Or that and your network marketing company, or that and your sugar daddy, those are still only three, at best two, one, depending on what you have, there's at least four or three or four more that you can be providing for yourself. So I think we should talk about some of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would love to hear some of the ideas, because this one I'm a little hesitant to, but this is coming from me, a little projector, because I feel like it's like pushing more hustle on people.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's what you're doing at all, but it's like you need to have more.

Speaker 2:

You need to do this. If this one's not working, get another one to me. I might feel so exhausting and it makes me want to cry.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, don't cry, then that's a good call-outs. Let me throw out some and you'll see some variety in them and they might be like oh, that sounds like fun. Remember, we forget when we join network marketing why we joined, and often it's not to be the top dog in your company and make a trillion dollars. I'm not telling you to lean into any of these to a point where you're huffling, to a point where you're like, oh my gosh, now this is the stress. I'm not saying become an influencer because, honestly, influence that is stressful. They are always on, seriously, they're always on and if they're, gone.

Speaker 2:

They're always on. And then they're talking about their mental health. They're like sorry, I was gone at a breakdown.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh but if they're gone for more than like a day, we're like where did they go? Like I, if I don't see a post from one of the influencers I'm checking out like where is she? I need some more information. Show me another Amazon haul. I need to see what's going on. What happened to the house? What am I buying? They have a crumbie today. I know, Come on, Show me the things I don't really need, but I want now. Ok, we're not saying that. One is this, truly y'all. There's something purging about this and I've been doing this now for a few months. My sister told me about it. She's been doing it for years. I'm like I'll try it. I started doing it, I don't remember what, anyhow, before the wedding Poshmark.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, my girlfriend does that.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny. So Poshmark is an opportunity for you to take like clothes or really household things or whatever that you don't use anymore. You put them up on and other people buy them Y'all. It is so easy. If you're a network marketer, this is super easy for you. You'll be like oh, this is what good technology looks like, and seriously it's. I'm someone who hates sending stuff. They make it so easy for you because when someone buys it, you literally just print off. If you want or use the or the code for the priority mail, print it off, you put it in a box and you just put it in the in the mailbox. You drop it off. I'm supposed to. It's so easy. And you make a little little ching ching, like yeah, why not Like? That? One's easy. And what I like about as well, too, is it's purging things that maybe you don't need. Now, scott always gives me a hard time. He's like if it doesn't sell within a week, we're taking it to Goodwill. Somebody else needs it. I'm like OK, but let me have my fun.

Speaker 2:

But I'm the Scott in this scenario, Like let's just write a good well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that's an option, but it can find a home with people and I've been able to sell some things for people Like, thank you so much. I've been looking for that. I'm like, yeah, so that's one that you could do and truly you could work it where you're making. And again, I'm not saying you could go all in if you want to, but I literally just put some things up, maybe make $20 a week, and I'm like that was fun and fun extra 20 bucks, I can go get my lunch.

Speaker 1:

Correct, correct, and when you think about what you're not making in your net or marketing business, it might even that out a little bit. Yeah, you could put more things on just as much you have in what you put. So the other one is user generated content, and I know that's something that you've heard me talk about on my Instagram feed a bit lately. I think there's a lot of misnomers about it and I think also, again, if you're going through the tension, let me just do this and this might be fun. That's, that's the intention we're putting out there, right? So basically, we think about influence. It's different from influencing. User generated content is basically a company let's use I always use my Stanley water bottle. Ok, so basically, let's say Stanley are Stanley water bottles. Yes, Stanley is like I need some more content. I don't want to hire like an ad agency and make it look all like Superbowl commercial. I want content that feels relatable. So what they'll do is they will hire people, joe Smos, doesn't matter how many followers.

Speaker 1:

And social media, taran. So Roxanne Wilson and you, and they'll say, hey, can you take a picture with your Stanley water bottle? We'll pay you 15, 30. So now it's five cents, depending on it, for for a picture or video. You do it, you send it off, you get your money. That is what it is.

Speaker 2:

I like that. That's fun. We were talking about this earlier this week and so I'm I'm going to be delving into this one. Guys, I'm like, oh, I could do this this.

Speaker 1:

Yay, I, I told you and I told my sister and my and my husband Look at that, that's a fun name because my sister, because of what she does she can't like. She has a private Instagram account but she always loves doing something like that. She's like this is a bummer, listen, you don't have to post it on your social media. Doesn't have to go in your social media at all, they just put it on theirs.

Speaker 2:

Yes, see that cooler, yeah, and so I just did some free, user generated content for this house company last night and I'm like, wait a second, I need to be rethinking who I shout out on my social.

Speaker 1:

No, seriously, seriously. And what I found to is I know that when the when you do it like, you can put it on your like. If you love it, you can shout them out and tag them on your page and that can lead to more direct business. But what's interesting is I don't remember what's interesting with something cool about it. Oh, I remember if you think about when you go to Amazon I don't know about you, but I love to look at the reviews and then it's obsessed, right.

Speaker 2:

It messes with my head.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then they have videos and you're like, how do these like? They have videos that are kind of like you call them influence or videos. No, those are user generated content, videos that they hired people to do and put on there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I do appreciate when it has their special clothes, because then you can really see the quality of the clothes and you're like I got backfired on you. That looks like crap.

Speaker 1:

But thank you because you did the Lord's work so I didn't have to do it. Yeah, so that's one way and you can just have fun with it. Like, literally, it's about you having fun and just adding extra streams. In that way, I have a fun one.

Speaker 2:

Tell us Walking dogs Like, oh yeah, I love dogs, you could do fetch Rover. What are the other ones?

Speaker 1:

Rover, Rover yeah, yeah, you know that Rover. Scott did that during COVID. Did you know that?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

He was working from home and he needed, like you had, to get there and walk and I was like, listen, you should just get on fetch. I'm going to put whenever it's you should, I put him on, I'm going to put you on fetch and he's like all right, fine, and he did it. He walked a dog five days a week because one of our friends in San Diego she did, she was walking dogs like crazy during COVID and he walked like a big old dog, like a Rottweiler, and and, yeah, five days a week he'd walk for an hour, the dog for an hour.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you guys even those are runners that listen, you can. People pay you to run their dog. Yeah go for a 30 minute jog and wear that little puppy out Wear that puppy out.

Speaker 1:

So that is another way you can do it. I mean, listen, you could do like Uber Eats and stuff like that, but these I think are less stressful, personally, yeah, you could.

Speaker 2:

You could do shipped Is that what it's called when you go get their groceries. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

There's actually another app.

Speaker 2:

So my cousin did this one. I think it was called like Papa's Pals, or you actually, like people in need can hire you to come help, like maybe you bring them grocery shopping or you drive them to their doctor's appointment or maybe they need help with dinner. You can kind of pick and choose and you go help these people who don't necessarily have like a community that they can rely on for help. So my cousin did that for a little while and she loved it.

Speaker 1:

That's so cool. See, that's really special. I like that. There's all these different ways that you can get out there, and you know what I like about it, too, is it actually introduces you to other people and other things. All of these things we've mentioned. It's introducing you to different things. The other thing I like about all of these things is it's going to help you with the next thing you can do right now, which is invest in yourself. So, even all these streams of income we've mentioned, are you getting out of your comfort zone or your little zone of you're just focused on your network marketing business and that zone it's showing you new products, it's exposing you to new people, to new things, and you are going to find yourself, because I'm here to tell you that if you want to make money right now and also so the seeds for the future, you need to figure out who the F you are.

Speaker 2:

It's true, no matter what darn business you are in, no matter what you are doing, you need to figure out who you are, and it changes, and especially if you're a woman listening to this, there's something about women.

Speaker 1:

There's so many great things about women. Let's be real. One of the things about us, though, is that we are so focused on caring for the other people in our lives whether it be our family, whether it be work, whether it be friends that we forget who we are. We make a lot of compromises and we forget who we are for the good of our circle. That's all well and good I'm not judging that but there comes a reckoning. There comes a point in time that you are going to have to figure out who the hell you are, and I see it all the time when network marketers come to me and they show me their social media page and I'm like okay, you're not your company, because I know you lived before you joined your company. And yet all I see is your company who are you? And they start regurgitating these words that are clearly they. I could have just picked up their companies, their company's website, and I'm like you're more than that. Figure out who the F you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah what I see in like our backend. When people come on with us for social teams and we do their social media, we have them fill out some extensive not extensive, but like onboarding questions. We want to get to know them, we're kind of taking over their voice and we're help representing them on Instagram. But when I see these forms filled out like a lot of women and this is by no means calling anybody out or saying anything mean they don't know. They don't even know how to answer the questions. Like the question will be like what are your pillars for social media? What do you want to talk about on social media? My company, my products? Yeah, no, what do you you the person want to talk about? Are you obsessed with exercising and working out and staying healthy? Are you passionate about helping other moms read with their kids? Like I'm just kind of throwing some ideas, like really pulling. What do you like, not just what do you sell?

Speaker 1:

It's one of the things and like. And then I want to say Terrin said we're not picking on anyone and it's something that I saw as a jazzer size instructor because, believe it or not, jazzer instructor I was with women who did not know like I it's a, it is such a female thing. But it's what I love about network marketing and it's one of the reasons that I coach network marketers. It's less about coaching about social media, and it's really about help and I tell people this whole time. I help people figure out who they are. I help you find your groove so that you can find your voice.

Speaker 1:

And once you find your voice, whether you want to be a network marketer or you want to do your own thing, it gives me such joy Because then you come to life and I see you doing and figure out who you are. And it's a journey and, like you said with some of our social teams clients, they come in and they're not really sure and it's really. We work through them and we get you know at a certain stage and I'm talking like nine months in, where I'm constantly saying the same thing. They're like, okay, but what are? What is where, what, and we're forming their social media based on who they are in that moment. And then the light bulb turns on and they're like this is what I really care about. This is what really lights me up, Like great, let's lean into that and that is what we're going to talk about.

Speaker 2:

It's something that you said it's so easy to show them social media. Then, Cause you're just you're excited to talk about what you like.

Speaker 1:

Because it's authentic and it's what you said. This is something that's across the board. If you are a small business owner, you deal with this. I deal with this. Taryn, you deal with your business. It's a normal thing that everyone has to figure out. But when you join network marketing because it's business in a box, it almost tells you you don't have to figure that out. So you go and go oh great, I don't have to think, I can just do what they say and it's like no, that's not the case. Actually, if you want to be successful, you got to figure out who the hell you are, or who the F you are, or who you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, and I think back to like I used to struggle with this. So people would be like, oh, taryn, tell us a bit about yourself. And I'm a wife, I'm a mom, and it's like, no, no, I mean you are, you are those things. But who is Taryn? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, you know Mm-hmm? Those are aspects of my life, like who is the actual being, and I'm like, oh gosh, well, give me a second to rethink that answer Exactly.

Speaker 1:

But answer yourself that yes and give yourself time. Some of you just naturally your human design. The answer is gonna just drop immediately. Some of you is gonna take a while and you're gonna be thinking a lot of different things. Don't judge that, don't judge the feeling, but just lean into when it drops and you feel like this is who I am, and then explore that, play around with that Mm-hmm, we're gonna play around with it with you.

Speaker 1:

By the way, we are, we are this is not the only conversation we're gonna have about this, because I think there's a lot of depth that goes into figuring out who the F you are. And the beauty of that is, once you do like you said, taryn, it's so easy, but also it makes sense. And as someone who's looking at your social media or talking to you in general or was in your sphere, like, oh, what she's doing, what she's promoting, makes sense because I know who she is and it will help you tremendously, and so we are going to lean into that. We might smatter in other things too. So you're like, oh my gosh, we're gonna help you get through the next three months Happy final quarter y'all, but we really do want to see you succeed, and so we're gonna spend some good time on this and help you out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm super excited about this. We are gonna do a little bit of a series that I've been mapping out behind the scenes for you guys, but we really wanted to shift into, like, why are we talking about this, Instead of giving tips that Google could just give you? We're gonna dig deep, maybe make you a little uncomfortable, but have you walked away with knowing who the heck you are?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and if you finish the series and you don't know who you are, it's okay. You're not ahead, you're not behind. Exactly who you're supposed to be. Love it. You look like Wednesday.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, Maddie keeps calling me that. She was like I want Wednesday hair and she had hair. It's like short. I'm like you can't have Wednesday hair. No, she's not right now.

Speaker 1:

But you look like.

Speaker 2:

Wednesday my sleep hair like it's braided, like all the way it's not French braided, I don't know how to do that To the top so I can sleep and I'm like I'm actually feeling this. Look like I've been going out in public with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's funny. You're like I don't dress up for Halloween, I'm like, but you look like Wednesday today and it's great. Thanks, great, why not? What is going on in Nashville Tennessee?

Speaker 2:

Okay, guys, we got an apartment. Yay, I think the last time I left you I was going to look at them. We looked at a lot and we found the one, the one, one Like she's the one.

Speaker 1:

The one one.

Speaker 2:

She's the one. This apartment is a bit of a stretch. Okay, like I had an option of one that was a little bit cheap and it was still nice, but it wasn't as updated. And then I had one that was like the top of our budget but literally Taren, like it had everything I wanted. It looks the way I want. And I kept going back and forth and wrangling with myself and I actually applied to the cheaper one and someone had beat me to it by 30 minutes so I couldn't submit and I was like that's my sign, I'm going with the other one, even though that cheaper one ended up opening back up the next day. I was like no, I'm taking that as a sign. Yeah, it's there.

Speaker 1:

And it's there and it's there. But how do you get to a point where you don't even have to go back and like one was Taryn, one wasn't and you were going to go with one that wasn't? How do we this is the existential question how do you get to a point where you don't even like fret, even though the one that wasn't you was this last month? You know what this is, what I'm meant to be. How did I get there? No, you didn't get there. What I'm saying is how do you, in the future, like you would have a sign where they it's like the universe, whatever, took it away from you? Yeah, I did, I know.

Speaker 2:

I think it's to the. I'm not to the point where I've always fully trust that it's safe to go for what I want, you know, or it feels I've always in my family I'm the one who's a little bit too much, or I do everything way different. I homeschool, I run a business from home, like I do things a lot differently, and so that kind of came up with the apartment search too. Where I'm like is this too much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the manifest or thing, the too much thing. So it's funny that you that that's your wound. I am looking forward to the day where you tell a story like that and you're like this one was Taryn and I grabbed it. I didn't care if there were ones that were cheaper. This is the one that was me. You named one.

Speaker 2:

Taryn. So now I know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I knew. When I was looking online I was like that's the one baby.

Speaker 1:

You knew, you knew, you felt it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's always fear, especially with money Like gosh. 100%, 100%.

Speaker 1:

I'm beginning to think that a home is a place where it's like do the splurge my car, love my car. I've had it for a while. Um, scott wants me to get rid of Max. I love him, thanks to Max. But I should have gotten the sport engine and I didn't. And this is like 10, 12 years ago maybe. But when I'm like, no, I don't want to spend the extra blah, blah, blah, I should have gotten the freaking sport engine. Why didn't I get the sport engine? But you think in the moment you're saving money. But really, do I want to be like lead foot Louis? Yes, why didn't I do that? Yeah, you know, and I think about that. With a home, it's like, yeah, it's an extra fill in the blank, but you're going to be living in it and using it every single day.

Speaker 2:

Right, my vibe, because you guys the cheaper one. The office didn't have a window and I was like, oh well, I can get lighting. No, after living in this hotel that we're in week two, we don't really have like a. You have one window.

Speaker 1:

I'm guessing Cave, yeah, cave, yeah. So I'm excited for you. So interesting. How about you? So what's going on? I just came back from Texas. Yeah, anyone who knows, I lived in Austin for 15 years, went to Baylor, but I was not in those areas, I was in Dallas. I did not ignore you. If you're like, you didn't tell me you're in Austin. I wasn't. I was in Dallas for a conference for pharmacy and those beauty influencers they just make me so happy. I love them. So it was exciting to see everyone and Sumali, it was so good to see you. She listens to the rocks, to the rocks Talks podcast. She's in the community and she came up and like oh my gosh, and she's so freaking cute I'm like I can't even. So, it was, it was fun to get in there, to get out there and to travel, and you know I love all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

So that was good, it's your first conference this year, like I feel, like it's so many in this year, I know.

Speaker 1:

This is one I'm like okay, all right. And then also Scott got word that he now can work from home, so he is none too pleased and it starts on Monday. So pray for Baylor and I, because we now have to transition back to him being home all the time.

Speaker 2:

So, and maybe he needs to reopen his fetch account. Oh, that's a walk, a dog Go walk a dog.

Speaker 1:

I'll be over at my gym working there a little bit. No, it's. I'm so glad that he's home, though. It's going to be good for us. What else is going on? Golden bachelor started yesterday. Bachelor of Paradise started. Golden bachelor so good. If you haven't watched it, you'll need to watch it because it like was so good. It's only an hour, it's quick.

Speaker 2:

I've been watching love is blind, the season five. I didn't realize came out, so I was watching it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I came out last week and the next set of how far did you?

Speaker 2:

get. There's only three episodes out. I think I'm on number two or more.

Speaker 1:

There's four episodes out and now for more. Just drop today.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, it looks like you know what I'm doing this weekend. You better be you better. Tweet detects me because I get to. I don't like this cast. I think this on the levels of love is blind. Yeah, I think this is always the best because Cam and Cam and Lauren, season four Right and season four, this last one, amazing Right. Then season three, the Dallas season with the cuties. Then season two, chicago was a, was a dumpster fire.

Speaker 2:

Chicago. I was so excited for that one, that one, that one took a turn. But this is not so. I'm old and not far in, but Johnny and like girl.

Speaker 1:

problematic, as all can be, there's more problem.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why I have such bad relationships. Because you're crazy.

Speaker 1:

Did she dump dude yet? Did she dump dude yet?

Speaker 2:

She dumped dude and then dude dumped her. So now she's talking back to other dude, number one, and he hasn't made a decision, but from the I'm assuming he's going to propose.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you have to message me, but I have to say this Okay, the, when she dumped dude, she literally was like out the door. I'm like this is not her to you, doll. She's like peace. I'm like, oh my gosh. Anyway, if you want to hear what love is lying y'all, you can message me at Rock's Talks because I love to talk about that. We will see you later, see you next week. Bye.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to another episode of Rock's Talks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram stories. Be sure to tag us over at Rock's Talks.

Speaker 1:

Always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind, you're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of Rock's Talks.

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