RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
Why waste time and energy searching the internet for social media tips when you can get what you need in one place? Let Roxanne & Taryn guide you through the social media jungle as they share how to leverage your Network Marketing business on RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers.
RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
The Network Marketer's Branding Blueprint: Part 3
This is the third and final episode in our branding series and we're sharing insider tips on creating a consistent online presence for your brand – from choosing the perfect colors and fonts to designing your very own brand kit.
Finally, let's talk about color consistency in branding. It's not as complicated as you might think yet plays a critical role in elevating your social media presence. Grab your notepad as we share tips on selecting brand colors, why you should steer clear of network marketing company's colors, and the immense value of a brand kit.
Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.
Speaker 2:And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.
Speaker 1:Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. So you had a fun night last night, taryn.
Speaker 2:Oh, watching the Love is Blind reunion.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, did you love it? Was it? Was it blind? How did you feel?
Speaker 2:I feel like I called the entire cast so wrong. I am usually like pretty intuitive, Like when I'm watching, I'm like this is going to happen. This is everything wrong. I was way off Everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, everything what surprised you the most.
Speaker 2:Lydia and Milton like being such a solid couple. Yeah, it blew my mind. It blew my mind. She's crazy. And now they're like so in love and so cute.
Speaker 1:I think both can be true. I think she's a little cray-cray, but she has gotten out. She's like you know what. It's enough of that, enough of that. And this guy is keeping me grounded. I'm happy for them. I don't know. I feel like I pretty much called everyone correctly, except Stacey is saying that she came on her Instagram and was like the reason I was mean to Johnny was because Johnny did all these things to me that they didn't show, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth. And I think there could be some truth to that, because she like signed it and said here are all the cast members that agree with me, which Milton was one of them, which I think Milton has a lot of cred in my mind. So, and Johnny did say like some of it is true, and we did see a little bit gleams of I could. I believe that Johnny was being rude inside of the pods. Oh, I'm sure.
Speaker 2:Yes. She seems like a mean girl. Yeah, a mean girl who?
Speaker 1:tries to be like a nice girl yeah, like I look innocent. So you'll feel bad for me. However, I do think Stacey at some point just needed to be like you know what Doesn't matter. I got the guy, I'm moving on and she took it too far. I think they're both wrong in that. Personally, yeah. No, I agree there. Yeah, I called Uche and is crazy, uche, crazy, so crazy.
Speaker 1:The way he talks to women just really upsets me, like this condescending Is he in him? Both of them, I do don't like the way they're not.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Uche, I just thought like he was like that engineer type where I'm like I don't think he's trying to be condescending. But then later it showed I was like, nope, I was wrong on that too. Like he's just, he's a bit nuts.
Speaker 1:He's a lawyer and I'm like, oh, you're one of those lawyers who thinks you're just amazing and annoying. I know your type. I've never seen his type before. Yeah, all in all, nick and Vanessa, they behaved this time. She didn't talk about babies all the time, oh God, yes.
Speaker 2:I do like when they ask, though, because I am curious.
Speaker 1:If she didn't ask 55 times last time, she probably could have asked this time, but she asked too many times. Yeah, you know what I think is interesting, though? Love is blind. Jump the shark, don't do that. Ok, all right this season. Do you know what that means? Let's jump the shark, yeah, okay. So have you heard of the show Happy Days?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Okay. So there's a Happy Days episode where the fawns is skiing, he's water skiing and a shark. I see a shark and he jumps over the shark as he's water skiing. And that is the point where people like now, when people talk about TV shows, where they've gone too far, where it's like you've just talked about everything, you just are downhill, you've jumped the shark Cause. Really, why is Fonzie in his leather jacket on water skis jumping over a shark?
Speaker 2:That doesn't even make sense. It does not. I would think you were lying if I had to choose Like. Is this an episode?
Speaker 1:No, and there's a book I read it about jumping the shark, like that whole concept, and so I say that because I feel like Love is Blind has jumped the shark. No, this season was so bad, it was so bad. It was so bad. I couldn't get out of the pods. That was difficult. And then when I got into then I was like okay, I gotta keep going. But then I'm like this is a train wreck of badness. I don't, this is not what I come to Love is Blind for.
Speaker 2:No, no, especially like seeing Taylor, and I can never remember the guy's name JP yeah, Red, white and blue, that one, mr Captain America, that one, no, no no, no, do not call him Captain.
Speaker 1:He does not get that Like when people I'm like he does not get. Captain America is pretty dang awesome. He does not get that title.
Speaker 2:You don't think JP is awesome? I thought he was so sweet.
Speaker 1:I wondered where he was on January 6th, why you think he was there. I just I got the vibes where I'm like I wonder where you were. I'm just saying we need to do a hand check, roll check. Where were you?
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, I thought he was so sweet and he was trying to tell the girl like you're too plastic for me to fake no.
Speaker 1:And then he doubled down. He said I've said the wrong words. And he doubled down and said it again during the reunion, five seconds after he said I chose the wrong words, it was wrong of me. Then he said it again.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm still on his side. I didn't like her, Taylor fake.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's hair bear. You're tearing up my heart literally. A man should never tell a woman she looks fake because she has fake. She has eyelashes on Like, just like, if that makes her feel good like dude.
Speaker 2:I get it. I do get that, but he was. I'm sure we weren't shown the whole thing. We were and he was trying to communicate no.
Speaker 1:He didn't need a woman like that. At what point did he actually try to?
Speaker 2:communicate. What are you talking about? I don't think he could. I don't think he was all there to be able to do that.
Speaker 1:No, he's bad news, bear Like. If someone like him ever shows up near Maddie, I'm gonna take her away because, like his nonsense of oh you just looked fake, you do like no. And he thought oh, but it doesn't, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 2:Look, I know is you're supposed to be on. Love is blind, so you're supposed to not care. Yes, but I'm like I get. I saw where he was, just like I can't get over it.
Speaker 1:She didn't wear makeup the entire cancun and he still couldn't talk to her Like it just.
Speaker 2:He probably just also thought she was ugly.
Speaker 1:Oh, Karen, we can't talk about this.
Speaker 2:What so? Love is not blind. In his case, his love was not blind, but you still like him.
Speaker 1:I don't understand, because that's not, I mean.
Speaker 2:I'm not gonna hate on him for that.
Speaker 1:I don't like him.
Speaker 2:I felt bad for this. I was more on his side versus hers. I was like I just don't, there's something about her.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna send you a bunch of info that you know. Please know, don't say that. No, but the point of this is we'll take this one offline because I'm like but the point of this is love is blind, is jump the shark. They've lost their brand. Their brand was to show that, like normal people who are everyday people who don't look like, oh my gosh, barbie necessarily, none of them ever look like Barbie can find love based on emotion and on, like that, that pureness of what we're talking through a wall. And then here we are, we're in love, and some work out and some don't. But it was all very it was coming off of last season. It was pure, it's like you lot, they were, they're off brand.
Speaker 1:They went way off brand with this season which I think is into their castings needs to be fired, straight up fired, and don't go back to Texas, because the Texas seasons are a dumpster fire. I can say that I lived there. It's fine. I dated there too. I did meet my husband there, but he wasn't from there. He wasn't from there though. So branding we've been talking about branding over the last few weeks, and I think it's apropos that we talk about love as blind, because it did lose its brand, its Nostal, its love, like the oh, the sweet couples, I mean, even though Milton and Lydia showed up together at the same time. That was best to get to where they got.
Speaker 2:And that one was hard to watch, and then at the end you're like, oh, yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:So when you think about your own personal brand, you can learn a lot from reality show. You can learn a lot from the reality shows that come on over and over again and how they stick to the brand and how they don't. And at a certain point in time, people expect to get something like they expect a certain reaction from what you're gonna give them. They expect certain quality, they expect certain things, and when you don't give it to them, it can be very jarring, it can be very frustrating, it can be like you jumped the shark, mm-hmm, yeah. And so we want you all to think, when you're thinking about your brand and we've been talking about branding in the different aspects how can you build a consistent online presence? How can you be consistent season after season after season after season Doesn't mean you can't change. I don't want you to think like if you pick something now, it has to be that way, but it should make sense if you make a change.
Speaker 2:Right, it involves versus jumping shark, you're sure.
Speaker 1:Look at you jumping the shark Jump ship.
Speaker 2:That's the one I know Don't do either of them Don't do either.
Speaker 2:I think the first thing that comes to mind for me when we're talking brand and some people go here, some people don't is colors and fonts. Like, go ahead and pick those things, you can have a little fun with it. We could go down and we kind of talked about should we do an episode on, like, choosing your brand colors, choosing your font? That's the whole thing. There's a lot to it, but really what you guys need to know is choose some colors, pick your fonts not a cursive font, according to Roxanne, please don't and be done with it. Like, literally, there you go, like there's your brand kit. You can Google how to create a brand kit and you can make one really simply, and then that's just like McDonald's. Like, what colors do you think of when you think of McDonald's?
Speaker 1:I think of red and yellow.
Speaker 2:So you want to associate a color with yourself as well.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes exactly.
Speaker 2:What color do you think of me?
Speaker 1:Black Mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:Which isn't my brand color.
Speaker 1:No, it's not. Maybe I need to rebrand. I'm rebranding.
Speaker 2:You are.
Speaker 1:I realize that that came out and like probably totally freaked you out. I don't know the rebranding Rox talks but I noticed there's two like versions of me that are out there.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like whenever I buy clothes for myself, things that I like I always love neutrals. I'm wearing neutrals right now. I love like barefoot dreams just give it to me and not the dark colors, but like the tans and the creamy beige. Yes, that's like totally me. And I think it's interesting that I'll like beige, saying beige is not my favorite color. That was just on Bachelor in Paradise and I was like my favorite color is beige, like that. But I know it's like one Okay, but I like those neutrals and I even like I mean, I like the neutral stuff. So I think to myself I'm in my office right now and my office has a bought it during lockdown shag cause I needed the cushion for like sound and stuff. Shag like orange copper carpet. That's not me.
Speaker 2:When did this shift Cause? That was very you for a while. When did this shift come? It was very me, but I never wore those I wore.
Speaker 1:I mean a while back I wore turquoise, like maybe back in Zona, not Zona in Austin, but I I don't know. But it's been the shift and I'm realizing I'm like, wait, all of my stuff are neutrals and I love my wedding period Cause I got to wear white all the time and I'm still gonna incorporate white. I'm like I love that, which is funny, cause I used to like wear bright colors, cause I'm like I'm black, I can. So you see, this color, you wanna wear it, you can't. Too bad, so sad I can. But I really love this neutral palette across the board. So I don't know if that's going to bleed into like my brand brand colors online, but I am acknowledging. So I'm decorating a house in neutrals.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I hope that's not too trendy, because it really is who I am.
Speaker 2:Well, and I think this is actually a good question it's like so say, your style, my style is very much. I wear black in everything, and then I'll sprinkle in some like earth tones, but then my brand for my business is very different colors that I would never wear. So do they need to be cohesive or is it okay to not?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't. I don't know the answer to that Cause I will say that for a while I would grab some turquoise things or some copper things or some copper things, so that would showcase. So when I was on air I had something that went with my colors. Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I like. My spleen is telling me like what I would recommend, you do want it to be the colors that you like and that you wear. Because I was thinking, okay guys, I'm in a new office and I'm going to decorate and get wallpaper on the wall behind me and it's like, oh, should I do my brand color, which is a very, it's like a dark green. I don't want that on the wall.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I see what you're saying, just like I don't want that carpet.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So it's like I want to show up online and I want to show up like in my home and it to be on brand, because we're all personal brands at that point. So I would say, yeah, I mean, if you don't have a brand right now, you don't have any brand colors. Go to what your house looks like and what you're wearing. If you already have one and it's colors you don't wear, keep it, it's fine. Joe Schmo.
Speaker 1:I'm just laughing because you're like keep it, it's fine, but I'm changing mine you didn't say I mean, I'm not, I don't know.
Speaker 1:There's a lot to change. See what we've done. We've dusted up here. I just blurted out that I'm changing my colors and now we thinking about, like, why are you putting green? But you're right, why are you putting green behind you? If that's, are you gonna wanna walk in your office everyday and see the green? Mm-mm, mm-mm. Houston, we have an interesting situation, Right, right, I think the same. I'm redoing my office. Do I want my office to be in my doing the whole house in in Barefoot Dreams, colors, Rocks, tucks, colors.
Speaker 2:Or are you gonna go Barefoot? Dreams, you know.
Speaker 1:TBA Wow, look what we did to ourselves, look what you made me do, look what you made me do Okay.
Speaker 2:But all that to say, yeah, Google and make a brand kit, pick some colors, pick some fonts. There's this really cool website I do wanna share you guys. It is C-O-O-L-O-R-S dot co, like coolers dot co, and it can help you like, pick, like branded colors really quickly.
Speaker 1:Can I just say something about the dot coes, because you know we changed to rocks tucks dot co this past year. Yeah, I was talking to someone the other day and she was looking for she was looking at websites. She's like, oh, this is a dot dot co, so that's not an American site Like what I'm like, no, no, no, dot co is totally like. I just want everyone to know dot co is totally legit. She didn't think it was legit site cause it's a dot co.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, they are nowadays.
Speaker 1:So I just yeah, like, if you see dot CA, that means it's a Canadian site, still totally a capital. If you see dot IN, it means it's India. If you see dot co, it's totally a normal site, it's just there's the dot comms, just like. Like area codes have outrun themselves. You know, when your area is like we have a new area code cause we have so many people, I got new. I got different area codes came to my house.
Speaker 2:I got host. No, I wasn't going to say it but you did so.
Speaker 1:dot co is a totally normal reputable. It's good. Just want everyone to know. I know it's a little random PSA.
Speaker 2:RocksRam.
Speaker 1:I gotta put my air conditioner on. I'll be right back. Hold on. Okay, it's early and I'm getting heated up Just talking to you.
Speaker 2:Feeling spicy about this brand right now. All the branding. So we also, when we bring on people for social teams, what we do is we actually set up their brand kit for them and walk them through like choosing it, picking colors, picking fonts and creating a logo. So that is something that we do on the back end too, and we've noticed when people come in, it's like they don't have that. So showing up online consistently does require just create a brand kit. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And and it doesn't have to be like I don't want some of you are going to go down this road and like, really, try and pick. Like I need six colors in my brand kit and I need four fonts. No, no, pick two colors, pick a font, call it a day Like, seriously, this is not. You do not need to go deep down and diving into all of the nuances of a brand kit, please.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, don't, because then. Two, so you can use it when you're on social media, if you're creating any sort of graphic, use your brand kit and then in emails too, is where people are really going to see it and start to associate you with that. So I um, I don't, I lost my train of thought. I don't know where I was going with that, but yeah.
Speaker 1:You're right, though. And then also like, if you're making a form, like for someone to sign up on your newsletter, that's where that's going to show up as well, too. It's going to show consistency. The thing about colors you might be wondering why do you want this? Is you want to show consistency. You mentioned McDonald's earlier, and that's a great example. We know when we see the golden arches, we know when we see those colors, we know that feeling and it, and we might even smell the fries. So what you want to do is create that, like you're creating that home, that store. Even it's a virtual storefront.
Speaker 1:When I go, when I see your post you know I'm scrolling through, I know it's Terrence post, because it has those specific colors and that specific look I'm like, oh, teran, and it gives me an emotive feel. Um, this is what we're trying to trying to like. You can do that. You don't have to make Donald's do it, you can do it just as you, and it can be pretty dang effective. And then, like you said, it can go on to your emails. If you end up doing a website, you can put it on there. You can use it in different ways and spaces. And I do want to go back to what we said earlier. Once you pick your colors, it is good to have a couple outfits in those colors because, if you think about it, you can also have a branded look by wearing the color of your business and brand. So you could be somewhere, you could be in some random place, but if you have that color on in that picture, it will bring that cohesive look and feel together.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, and too, you're going to need those colors. If you want to do like brand photos and you don't have to go and get a photographer, you could just have your kids or your husband take some photos of you in that outfit, so that way you can sprinkle it in on your posts as well, totally. And then if you don't want to wear it again I guess you don't have to, unless you're doing a live or something throw it on.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and then you can just put it in the window. Also, what you said about lives, it's good to like if you're doing a cover on a reel, maybe you're doing a series of videos, you can make that cover be the color, and then so whatever's underneath doesn't matter, but what people will see on your feet will be that color. It just puts people visually in the mood for whatever you're going to dish out to them. Can we talk about this though? Your colors, because a lot of you listening have you're part of network marketing companies, so you might think, oh, my colors are my company's colors. They're not. They're not, they're really don't don't do that.
Speaker 1:No, no, resist temptation and desire to do that. You might be wondering well, why? Why do you say because nine times out of ten, those, even the colors that you like it puts you in a box and also it doesn't Differently. You want to make sure people know that you are a person who legitimately are like. I like, yes, this product, but I also like all these other things too. This is, I'm, a full-bodied person. If you're leaning into like you, your website, your I shouldn't say your website your social media literally looks like your past. If it literally looks like, I could start got my turn, thought I lost it. What is it about this? Oh, because it's six in the morning. Six in the morning.
Speaker 2:But if you're like no, not yet.
Speaker 1:Not yet If it lit, if I don't even know what I was saying.
Speaker 2:It was about the thing, and oh, if you go to like your Instagram profile and just see the business.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, then it's like okay, yes, you kind of lose credibility. Honestly, gonna tell you, plus nine times out of ten, the average network marketer does not stay with their business more than five years. Did I say it? I said it, it's been said. So if you decided to be red, green, blue and red, purple and yellow because that was the company's colors, and then you've left what you change your colors to be with your net next company, that makes no sense. You've got to stand on your own two feet.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, a fun thing too. This kind of just came to me where so your hero product, say, is something about low-tox, then think about like okay, that niche, like what colors come up when people think of that? Probably like maybe Earthy, maybe some greens, you know wellness, see colors and pick that versus just picking. So your product is blue. You don't, don't just pick blue, yeah yeah.
Speaker 1:So okay, um, how should we? How do we leave you in a pretty bow, Hmm.
Speaker 2:I think Ask us questions about your brand if you're struggling, that'd be, really can point you to some resources that we're always happy to look at your brand too and say, whoa, that looks good, great job. Or Tell us more yeah.
Speaker 1:Tell me more. House of no judgment. Well, we can definitely help you out. Just um, instagram's a great place. Hop in there at Rocks Talks and we'd love to help you out with your branding. You've got this.
Speaker 2:You've got it. You've got it. Don't put too too much time or thought into it. Pick it, move on and Hopefully with the series.
Speaker 1:Now you understand why it's so important Exactly what's going on with you behind the scenes, my dear.
Speaker 2:We have officially moved into our apartment. Our long Journey of moving, which I have now realized took two months, it's coming to an end.
Speaker 1:Yay Relations and you're in your office and life is good.
Speaker 2:Life is good. We're pretty much unpacked, I'm decorated, feels good, we got groceries. Life is going. This is gonna be a normal again.
Speaker 1:You lost your everyday maid service, but that's okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, not to teach the kids. Yeah, but we're here. How about you? What's going on in Rocks world? What's going?
Speaker 1:on what's going on. I don't really remember. Oh, we had a good weekend Close, and I had a good weekend. I don't remember what we did, but he's coming. I saw you into Barnes and Noble. Oh, that's right, the Barnes and Noble. They open one near us which I. I walked down like that's so weird that you're opening bookstores. But I'm here for, and they said they, they're opening more stores and they're closing this year. I'm like that's awesome.
Speaker 1:Books are back, good, tick tock. I give you credit for that. So we went to the bookstore, we both got a book and he's now we've gotten to this, this rhythm of he goes grocery shopping with me, now Mm-hmm, and I love it, cuz he's like, oh, my gosh, that's how much we spend. I'm like, yes, darling, yes, mm-hmm, just on protein, just on this, and it just gives me such life, I love it. So anyway, uh, yeah, married couple things, married couple things, that's right, that is right. But no, life is good. I cannot complain. I should have some news soon, but not yet. That's why these behinds I'm like I don't know, I can't tell you that yet. I can't tell you that, I'll tell you soon.
Speaker 2:Stay tuned. Bye, see you guys next week. Thanks for listening to another episode of rocks talks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram stories.
Speaker 1:Be sure to tag us over at rocks talks always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind, you're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of rocks talks.