RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers

Leveraging the Latest Social Media Trends in Network Marketing

Roxanne Wilson & Taryn Sowa Episode 257

Ever wondered why some posts garner more engagement than others? We're about to crack the code! This week we explore the latest and greatest social media trends and how to turn them into opportunities for you to excel in network marketing.

In a world that's constantly evolving, it's crucial to adapt and keep the content we create fresh and engaging. But we also have to keep in mind how to ride this wave of current trends while remaining authentic to your brand. So, hit that play button, and let's set sail on an enlightening journey of social media trends and tools!

In this episode, you'll learn the following:
1. The current trends you can use on Instagram.
2. The benefits of embracing quick trends.
3. Using Instagram Live to engage and even sell products or services.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.

Speaker 1:

Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. Fair bear, rox, it's literally October. Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2:

Not always.

Speaker 1:

October, it's like literally almost November.

Speaker 2:

You know, by the time you're listening to this, it could be literally November.

Speaker 1:

Right. So happy holidays everyone. I hope you're doing well. All that jazz and all that jazz. I think it's time for us to talk about some social media trends that are going on right now you feel good about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's do it. Okay, I feel good. Since they're always changing, let's keep you guys up to date.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I've been playing with things, playing, playing, playing. We talked about keywords a little while back. I'm noticing now that people are putting in keywords very distinctly at the bottom of their captions. Have you noticed that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and I work with she's not my social media manager, but for another client we have like a big time social media manager and she's doing like the keywords at the bottom of the posts.

Speaker 1:

Maybe something to try. My only confusion about that is if you just put it in the caption like I don't know, why did you not figure out how to get those words in the caption?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, you don't understand Also, yes, yeah, I was like, but if you already said it and you hashtagged it and you're putting it there, it just feels to me like keyword stuffing, cause it is which Instagram will eventually catch up and then be like oh, we're not going to show Like you almost kind of discredit yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but if you want to try it, you want to. How do I pick a keyword? Basically, think about the big words, like the search topics is what you want to think. I mean, it was the best way to describe it. So if you're talking about low talks, living, and maybe you're talking about how metals are bad, bad, bad and they're liking everything you want to at the bottom, put low talks. You might put like cadmium or whatever. Is it cadmium, cadmium? You might put some of those in there at the bottom.

Speaker 1:

And I've seen metal detox, things like that, yeah, and then you'd put spaces between them. I'm seeing those nice long, straight horizontal lines between them.

Speaker 2:

Whatever that thing is called, it's on your keyboard like above the enter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Mine's above my return. Exactly there. That's where it is, but I don't know if it's. I don't know if you have a windows, you don't know where it is, but that's the. That's isn't the same spot. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I also mine's return, but I said enter because I know like that's what it is on a windows.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was nice of you. I know, I thought you have a wait a moment. You have a Mac. She's trying to trick me. Anyhow, you can play around with that. We haven't played around with it too much yet, just because I'm just not convinced, but that doesn't mean you can't Right, it's leaning.

Speaker 2:

Give it a try.

Speaker 1:

Give it a whirl.

Speaker 2:

And then look at your analytics and see what's happening in the backend Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Uh, the other thing I've been getting. A lot of people ask me, roxanne, how do I get my reels to have that little? Have you seen those reels with the, with the cute little Asian girl who's dancing? And she's like, and now there's one with this little, this little boy, and he's dancing. So I keep getting like people saying I want to put that in there, how do I do that? How do I do that? And I'm like, okay, I know how to do it now, y'all, but it's takes an app, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Cause it's like a little cut out video. Yes, yes, exactly.

Speaker 1:

It does take an app.

Speaker 1:

It takes an app. You could try and think you could pull it off with inside of reels, but I don't really think you can. I think you need an app. You need an app for that. So, um, I think you need an app for that If you want to put that on there. The app that I have started using for my videos is CapCut. I enjoy CapCut quite a bit, and you can search for cute little templates and do that. Just know that if you are the type that goes down a rabbit hole, this is a rabbit hole.

Speaker 2:

It's a big rabbit hole. I've also downloaded it and then I deleted it. I was like huh.

Speaker 1:

But I do enjoy that route. I'm not going to lie that a rabbit hole is like, given it is a rabbitting yes, well, we need you to initiate us in all of this and form us, so you start that and get us all going.

Speaker 1:

I'll get you going with CapCut. I will do that Also. You know what I think is really a trend that I have been playing with that I am enjoying personally, a couple of things. One, when you have a new reel that you post and you put it in your stories, put it at the edge of the page where they would tap to go to the next story. Anyway, it's a little trick.

Speaker 2:

Oh you little trick Right. Because, then they click the reel.

Speaker 1:

Then they click the reel. Thank you for your click. We appreciate you. That is a nice little. I'll do a little screenshot. I think I have one on from today. I'll do a little screenshot. We can share it. But that, oh, it's gone. No, it's there. Look it's there. Do, do, do, do, do. And then you got to click. And when you go over and click you go to my reel, it says watch the reel. You double click but you get there. That's a little fun thing. The other thing I think is interesting is not overthinking your reels. We just want to think I enjoy that cap cut because you can grab a template and just make a reel. It's an easy way to showcase your life, what you did Like, for example, we did one, I did one, we, I did one, Not we. We went to Barnes and Noble last week and I grabbed the videos that we had from it. I made a quick one. I say we because Scott's like, because I share it with him, and then he has content, so he's like all proud of himself.

Speaker 2:

You're like no, this is just tagged content.

Speaker 1:

This is just you collabed but whatever. But he gets all really excited. Lean into that, because you can do like six second, 10 second. They don't have to be long and you can just showcase. This is what she did, this is where you were and I think it's. I know it's pretty catchy. So that would be something I would say lean into, and it doesn't have to be this drawn out. I'm showcasing things. I'm doing a 30 minute or a 30 minute, 30 second or a one minute video. It's like six seconds and boom. There you have it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's good like fluffer content or engagement content, because should you still have like the reels you put a little bit more time into that, are educational and maybe sales focused, and yes, but that doesn't need to be seven reels a day because that's exhausting. You don't ever have to post seven reels a day.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say what world.

Speaker 2:

Not in our world. Not in our world. But, it's a nice way to like. You still want to put a reel out and put something on social media. Remember, social media is meant to be social Share about your life. It doesn't have to be so heavy all the time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and in addition to that, like lean into the trends. The trends now, I think, because we are all back moving around, are not like learn this dance. That's going to take you two hours, thank God, and hopefully you get it right and then get your family to do it too, and then it's not what these trends are. These trends are quick. A lot of them are, dare I say, ai trends, like the yearbook trend that was going around. Did you ever do that, mm-mm, mm. I wonder what you do, why you want me to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wonder what you look like in high school. How about I just show you my senior?

Speaker 1:

mix. No, no, because it's not the same, because I look adorable in high school, according to AI. Ai is going to make us think that was my high school. I look like I was unsaved by the bell and I look like I was in Clueless. No, I don't, but I really enjoy those pictures. I'm like, oh, I had my life together.

Speaker 2:

I want to see, like emo Taryn, like that would be fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I think I'm an adorable emo by the way, like all of those pictures I'm like look at me, cute little emo Putting it myself together. We called it mod when I was back in my day Mod Mod they weren't emo they're mods.

Speaker 2:

It was very emo in my day I come from when Facebook started and the emo like above selfie was very much a thing.

Speaker 1:

Wow, emo. Yeah, we call it mods and stoners. Those were the names. Oh, ok, yeah, but those quick trends lean into those. What's your Roman Empire? Is a quick and easy one where you can say that's still going on. Say what your Roman Empire is. Well now.

Speaker 2:

I missed that one. Don't know what you're talking about there.

Speaker 1:

So it was started on TikTok, as all trends do, and this trend was these Gen Z years were asking guys, guys in their lives, hey, how often do you think about Roman Empire? And the guys were saying five times a week, five times a day, all the time. Yeah, and they were like this is so weird. Men think about the Roman Empire all the fricking time, Like what the heck, they do.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna ask Jeremy, ask Jeremy, I must know, I thought Scott, I was like I did ask Scott, we haven't posted. I did ask him and he was like oh, I know this trend. I don't know how he knew it. But he was like I don't think about the Roman Empire. I'm like, really, Cause you watch the Roman Empire literally it's called the Roman Empire on Netflix at least once a month. But the whole thing is, what is your Roman Empire? And so you can say this is my Roman Empire, what's the thing you're thinking about all the time? And that's an easy like one that you can put and then tag Roman Empire.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't what's?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Roman Empire, mine yeah Reality. Tv Reality TV Ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha. Obviously, mine currently is Amazon. Like I think about Amazon a lot.

Speaker 1:

All the time like Amazon. What do you need from me, amazon? Yeah, that's in New York, but it's easy and you can just like lean into that trend. So those are some things that you can just-.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that is fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one easy to do pop it in, call it a day, mm-hmm. Lean into the trends. Now, if the trend does not fit you, if you like, have a visceral action to the idea of Roman Empire, which then we've triggered you like repeatedly. So I apologize, don't do it. But if it fits you, do the dang thing, have fun with it.

Speaker 2:

Yes have fun with it. That's what I like is just have fun with it All of it. I'm trying to think I used to follow this website and it would kind of share what trends were happening so you could pick up on it really quick. But honestly, if you want to quickly know what's going on, like go into your Instagram and go to your Explore page and they'll start popping up all over the place, like it's pretty easy to find on there.

Speaker 1:

Mine just shows me the things I want to see right now, which is decorating and reality TV and Yorkies. It's very-.

Speaker 2:

And Yorkies. I love when I go into the Rockstocks Instagram and then I'm getting sucked into these reality reels and I'm like what? Which I found out Lydia and Milton stayed married from Love is Blind because I went onto your Instagram and saw teaser reel of the reunion and I didn't watch it yet. I was like, oh it's on you.

Speaker 1:

You gotta keep up with these things. This is love. I literally Netflix shows come out in the morning and I'm like, okay, I know Scott and I are gonna watch Love is Blind together, so I'll wait until we're done with work. I would watch it at four in the morning or five in the morning. I'm like, okay, wait, we'll watch it together. That's love. I wait a whole 12 hours, which means I have to stay off of my Instagram because it's someone that's listen. That is love.

Speaker 2:

I always thought you watched it before and then rewatched it with him.

Speaker 1:

I did that two weeks ago and it wasn't tows over. I was like I already saw this drawing. I was like what I'm like I'll, because not only I'll watch it, I'll go back and like erase that it's been watched. So he doesn't see it. So he's not like oh, you watched it without me, but I did wait for the finale for him. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And he's like kind of so. One trend that I have been seeing is with people's reels. Instead of like putting all that, remember how we used to put so many words on reels and like time it and do all that. Gone are the days of that. It's now a real and it's probably like a B roll of them Like in their garden and just doing normal things and it'll say like a topic and then it's like see the caption, so easy Figure it out yourself.

Speaker 1:

There's yeah, I like that. Like, figure it out yourself. Go read what I need to tell you, making it easy and quick, because you don't have time for that Y'all, you don't.

Speaker 2:

We're all back to normal life now. We don't have time to point at moving words.

Speaker 1:

No, when I see that now I get weird Like, do you see that now? I'm like what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm like we're beyond this.

Speaker 1:

We are way beyond that so seeing trends that are gone.

Speaker 2:

That one's gone.

Speaker 1:

Don't point at anything. Don't point at anything. Also, I want to just mention, because I mentioned Cap Cut y'all. Cap Cut is so much easier than doing videos inside of Canva. Canva, Canva reels like doing videos in Canva, like I would do Cap Cut over Canva any day for that purpose. Yeah, it's just easier, it's cap cut paid.

Speaker 2:

There's a paid and a free.

Speaker 1:

There's a paid and a free. I think the free you just like. You have a certain amount of of cloud space, so if you just erase it you should you could play with a free for quite some time.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah. So reels are still here. They're not, and I'll be all but, but they're still here.

Speaker 1:

They're still here, or video.

Speaker 2:

And have fun with them and yeah video yeah. Really it's video.

Speaker 1:

And I know you guys have heard of say this, you all have heard this, but again, lives are still a thing. Lives are generating. They are very much are. So please lean into the lives, especially with all they see, and lean into your lives, lean hard.

Speaker 2:

Lives are actually a really good place to sell in too. That's a good, a good place to sell. People are primed now, like especially people who are TikTok fans. When people go live on TikTok, that's a color selling, so bring that over to Instagram too. It's happening. People buy in lives 100%.

Speaker 1:

I am deconstructing a little something, something that has something to do with what you just said, but it's coming soon.

Speaker 2:

What's with all these bombs you're dropping on me during the podcast? Oh?

Speaker 1:

It's our time. Oh my God. So behind the scenes. Oh, I have to tell you what was Scott and I going this weekend? To go see Taylor Swift and we're going to the movie and he's been wanting to ever since it came out and he went. He's a Swiftie now. He's one of those like. He just became a Swiftie in the last 90 days, not even 90, 60, maybe 45.

Speaker 2:

And he's singing the songs all the time A late adapter.

Speaker 1:

You know what I feel about that, but that's okay and it's funny because we saw I was like, all right, we'll get tickets. So we got tickets and they were sold out for the first weeks. We're going the second week. And then he saw the new like on the news. They were showing people watching it and he's like, oh my gosh, they're going to dance and sing the whole time. What he's like? How can I? He's like I can't sit there and watch that. I'm like these tickets are not refundable. Buddy, you are sitting there. Not every theater has people dancing and singing the whole time, but but yeah, you're probably gonna.

Speaker 2:

It's a concert, it's probably going to be one of them, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's a concert, you're going to be okay. He was like, oh, what's going on, old man, you're okay.

Speaker 2:

That's funny. We don't have plans to go see it. I need to get that on my radar. I should do that. That would be fun. What we're doing today is we're going to boo at the zoo. So we're going to the Nashville Zoo. They have like a little trick or treat Halloween event and the kids are going to wear their costume, even though Davey's been wearing his costume for three weeks.

Speaker 1:

Which makes sense Like a wedding dress. Why do you only wear it once? I'm with him? Go on with your body, Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, and it's funny because my phone has the little like on this day. Literally he is in a costume in every single video and picture that I have this time of year.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness, I love that so much. So what is he gonna be?

Speaker 2:

Scream oh Okay, yes, he's wearing that everywhere and people think it's hilarious. So many people on the street are like, ah, it's drawing a lot of attention, which I don't usually like attention on the streets, but he thinks it's so cool. Oh, that's so sweet, and he keeps stealing like butter knives or plastic knives, and I'm like what no?

Speaker 1:

Did he watch the movie?

Speaker 2:

Has he watched the movie? No, but he, I don't understand. He's always like spooky stuff, like he knows who Michael Myers is.

Speaker 1:

Oh Lord, okay.

Speaker 2:

We don't. I don't why we did actually watch Michael.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say you don't just wake up as a child and know who Michael Myers is, and if you do, you should be worried he watches these YouTubers and like they'll kind of talk about it, and so then he like talks about it like he knows it.

Speaker 2:

But Scary. All right, guys, we will see you next week. Can't wait to hang out with you again.

Speaker 1:

Bye everybody.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to another episode of Rocks Talks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram stories. Be sure to tag us over at Rocks Talks.

Speaker 1:

Always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind. You're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of Rocks Talks. How are you?

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