RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
Why waste time and energy searching the internet for social media tips when you can get what you need in one place? Let Roxanne & Taryn guide you through the social media jungle as they share how to leverage your Network Marketing business on RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers.
RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers
What's Your Era for 2024?
Ever thought about the era you'd want to step into for the upcoming year?
Join us in a reflective episode as we ponder the era that awaits for us in 2024. Bucking the trend of choosing a single word, we explore the broader canvas of defining the entire year as a unique era (thanks Taylor Swift). Today we are sharing personal insights and exciting plans for the transformative journey ahead. Discover the joy of crafting your era, embracing change, and navigating the uncharted waters of the upcoming year!
In this episode, we discuss the following:
1. Shifting from "word of the year" to defining the upcoming year as an "era" instead.
2. Personal reflection on current and future eras.
3. Anticipation and plans for the upcoming era.
Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.
Speaker 2:And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.
Speaker 1:Each week we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. Taryn up my heart. Happy holidays to you. You know there's some people in the Rock's Talks community that say that I can't sing, and I know that that was not a very good rendition, but I have an excuse, because in a celebration the excuse is I'm sick, which, if you know me, I don't get sick. That is not a Roxanne thing. I have been sick for two and a half weeks, but like laid out for a week, like it was coming. It was coming, and for a week I've been laid out and I can.
Speaker 1:oh sorry frog in the throat can finally say for the last two days I have been able to like spend a full day not laying down. Wow, I need water. That was a lot.
Speaker 2:So Scott has had a week of you not singing.
Speaker 1:I didn't say that. Well, you know it's funny because he's always acts like he doesn't like when I sing, but then he puts on songs I like and then he's they'll go. I thought you like this song. Like darling, I'm sick, I'm coughing, I cannot see it, but I do enjoy it. So he does actually like me singing. You see how that works, yeah.
Speaker 2:They hate on you for it, but then they're like wait, wait, I actually like you.
Speaker 1:That's what he said. Yeah, yeah so, but you know it's interesting. It's not interesting to anyone who is a woman, but if you're not a woman, you listen to this. It's interesting is, when you're a woman and you're sick, nobody cares. I mean, they care, but they still want all the things you always get them. My dog doesn't give two rips if I'm sick. She wants her food, she wants her comfort and, honestly, my husband, while he cares and he's been so sweet, he still wants his food. What the heck Crown ass man Amazing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it doesn't get better. I'm here to tell you.
Speaker 1:Can't imagine with your two kiddies when you're sick. They don't. They like we want you feel better, but they don't care. I said to him. I said do you realize, when I'm sick because there are, there are days I'll admit that I didn't shower, like I didn't have the strength, and he was like you haven't showered for like two days. And I said you know why? Because the little energy I did have, I took and made your food, cause you're weird, you want a sick person to make your food. That's weird. I go when you're sick cause he's the mat major cleaner of the place. I said you don't clean and you, when you're sick, you lay in bed and you just like, oh, I'm sick, and there's no cleaning that is done when I'm sick. Heaven forbid, anyone has to eat. They still have to eat. What the heck?
Speaker 2:Yeah, don't even get me going, cause I got a good story from this summer and I'm just going to let it pass. I'm going to let it pass.
Speaker 1:I feel like you're letting it pass, cause the emotions from it aren't fully gone.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, it's a very salty wound. What is that about? I know what we. There was a lot of delivery.
Speaker 1:I'll tell you that grocery delivery, food delivery, because but I did some cooking and like what the heck Anyway. So this is me better ish. I feel like I do like a hey Can do the deep sultry voice, yeah, I do some 900 number, I don't even know I.
Speaker 2:You know I don't call them, so I'm not the person to ask.
Speaker 1:I don't. I don't call them either, I just know that they're a thing.
Speaker 2:I'm sure they're still a thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably, or there's some iteration of it now, right, yes, yes. Do you know that that magazine Playboy doesn't exist anymore?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm pretty sure they stopped it when you died right.
Speaker 1:Well, maybe perhaps that's amazing, like that tells you the iteration and the, the transformation of like magazines, the fact that magazines have just like a lot of. I used to love reading magazines, not playboy, but other magazines like 17 and I mean and mademoiselle, yeah, and what was that? Was it in style, the one that was kind of like the?
Speaker 2:one that was like oh yeah, there was one in style yeah well, and I self magazine.
Speaker 1:There's a meeting called or there's magazine called lucky, all about shopping. But it's so interesting to me that magazines are kind of they've kind of died. A lot of them no longer print.
Speaker 2:They don't. But ironically I just bought my kids a magazine subscription for Something so they can get like something in the mail and it's like about animals, you know. Highlights magazine.
Speaker 1:I was just a highlight. That was my first magazine. I loved it. In the back we had like what's different and he had a circle of things. Yeah, I loved highlights. Oh, that was the best, so that's still going.
Speaker 2:so I got it at and I was like, oh my god, yes, I want something that's more like hands-on, because we home school and everything is digital, like constantly. And I'm like, no, I want, like, I don't want to go print it out myself, I want something to come to me you know you should talk to Grace.
Speaker 1:She's with paper pie and Her favorite thing of paper by used to be a sport books. For those of you like what the heck is paper by our activity books and so they have like these books, like never get bored books and things that just, and also like the wife books and whatnot. And you know you should not her.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I have ordered from her. I have books. Oh, yeah, yeah, please don't spam me anyone, I didn't say you should talk to everyone from paper, by grace. Oh my gosh. And then I got to. I'm like Roxanne, you're setting me up.
Speaker 1:So any hill as we talk about this. So this time of year we usually talk about like our Word of the year and we've delayed a little because my brain has been so foggy I'm like I can't even think about tomorrow.
Speaker 1:I just try to figure out if I'm gonna cough all night long. But Today this morning I was laying in bed I'm like and I said you know what, roxanne, we're not gonna talk about the word of the year. Oh Okay, y'all need to know. Sidebar, my sweet, lovely, lovely co-host, taryn, likes to know what's happening before we get on air. I Do, and then there's days where I'm like I know she wants to know, but I want her raw like. So this is what I was thinking in the the Trend, and we're in the Taylor Swift Age. So why are we doing words? We should do eras. What is your era? So 2024 is your era of now. Y'all listen, it's, it's a, it's a word play. You could still, it could still could be your word. But I loved these days saying like rather than saying I'm in the, thus the, whatever phase. I'm like, I'm in the something era.
Speaker 1:You know, I just think that's a cool way to say it. Yeah, what if we say what is our era? 2024 is the blah, blah, blah era of you. Oh.
Speaker 2:See, I like to put thought into this. So like for me to stir rift on one, but it can still be your word, yeah you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Yeah okay, you go first then. So I was thinking about this. I'm like okay, because Honestly, I think something's happening. Because I'm like a word just doesn't cover what's happening to me right now, because I'm right in. I would say what era am I in right now, at the end of 2023? I'm in my cocoon era and so I think that my era for 2024 is going to be and I was going back and forth, but I think it's my blossom era I was gonna say butterfly, but it's kind of the same, so I might use those interchangeably. But it's like I've been cocooning, you know, and you get the caterpillar and the caterpillars they're cocooning and all these things are happening. And I'm about to like ba-la and just like a peony on, like opens because you know I love peonies Like I'm in my peony era. That's my era, my peony era. Or it's like pfft, not the bub but the peony, like ba-ta, that's my era.
Speaker 2:So what does that entail in 2024?
Speaker 1:What does that mean? Well, here's the deal. I think we told you a few weeks ago that I'm moving. The move has gotten moved up, so I'm moving the end of 2023. So literally we will be. And because we're not going to the Rose Bowl for the first time in like I don't know, ncaa has just ruined my traditions, but we'll get like NCAA has ruined all the traditions and all that and the pack it's not a pack 12 year and now, with all the different transitions, the last year I'll have gone to the Rose Bowl in the iteration and the beautifulness that the Rose Bowl has been was last year. It's like an air that air is over.
Speaker 1:No, we know, we know, oh, you did okay. Because every few years it's a championship game, like a playoff game, and those years we don't get to go because it's not a pack 12 game. But now that the pack 12 is like defunct, there won't be that tradition anymore. It's just so sad. And now ASU is going to the big 12. So I'm hoping the big 12, I'm hoping we get to go to the Orange Bowl I'm not Orange Cotton Bowl, but we'll see. Anyhow, all that to say that Rose Bowl era has gone away, it's ended, which is so sad. But the cool thing is we will be. We will be turning the page of the year, like literally, I think we should go to our new house and like do it there, although we won't have everything in it and stuff, but that will be turning and we'll be there. So that's kind of a cool like okay, we got married this year doing all these things. So that's number one. I'm gonna definitely.
Speaker 1:I know part of my peony era is just like sharing more about my life. It's like I have done less of that over the last few years and you're gonna see more of that on social. I don't know if that means I'm going to do two Instagram accounts. You know y'all that drives me insane, but I might. I might do two. I might kind of just double post and see what happens and then kind of play around with it, which is so. You're gonna see a lot of like the growth and transition, because, you know, some people might not wanna hear what's going on in my life and I understand that, but yeah, you can scroll past those. So you're gonna see a lot of that. You may see an additional podcast come out of me next year. I'm just you asked, I'm just putting it out there. You're gonna see a lot of, yeah, if you ever wanted to know, like unpeel, the onion of rocks, and you're gonna see it next year because it's my peony season.
Speaker 1:Era excuse, my peony era so.
Speaker 2:Era, era. I like that, okay. Okay, I've thought through mine a little bit and we can kind of develop it here live Like I just did yes, yes. So my I was stuck between two words Tell us, and they go together. So one word was gonna be becoming, because this past year 2023 in reflection has been a lot of change, right?
Speaker 1:Like we.
Speaker 2:I officially launched my podcast business side of things like in the end of 2022, but it's like grown through 2023. I now consider myself like a business, whereas people I used to call it like my job, you know, and now I'm like no, like this is my business. So that's evolved. We started homeschooling, we moved, we now live in Tennessee, like we travel more, Like there's just been a lot of changes and things that I was kind of cutting ties and I'm like becoming more Taren and what that means and not what other people think Taren means. Right, but then the other word I was going with was maybe even release and having it be more of like a surrender, because there's other things like I wanna release through the next year.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry go back, because you said last year, this year was changed, but what was the first word? Becoming, Becoming, that's right, becoming Okay. And then the other one is letting go. Okay, carry on. Sorry.
Speaker 2:Yes, so last year my word was mindful. That's how I got through, that's how I made a lot of decisions. I sat down and I thought through them and like was very mindful about them. And so the next year I'm thinking it's like either becoming or releasing. And what would that era be? The era of Taren?
Speaker 1:I like. Well, I mean, it's your choice. I like becoming, because I think becoming incorporates encapsulates, letting some things go, but it also talks about your growth and not like not lost, like it feels positive yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly. And then if it's the era of Taren, then that's you becoming. What is Taren becoming?
Speaker 2:I don't know. Let me ask. I got a journal on that question.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you don't need to know the answer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, and I don't think I do. I think that's just what's going to guide me through the year, but like some big things that I'm putting into place right now to be able to then make sure 2024 is good and I'm becoming is. I have a financial coach that I brought on. I also brought on an accountant to my team, so it's like the finance things are just like all getting crystal clear and I'm being like thoughtful with my money and I want to start shifting next year, of like, with the thought of building wealth.
Speaker 1:Nice. Are you using the one more guy? I can't remember his name?
Speaker 2:No, no, okay, no, it's a woman.
Speaker 1:Why would I think otherwise with you actually, honestly?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't think I've ever hired a man.
Speaker 1:No, you, you like you. I don't know if it's a woman energy that you exude, that extracts that, but it might be. But you, you're my like when I think about your, your team. This is not actually what you all do, but I can see you all frolking in the woods Like you did when you went, went and did your nymph stuff, like it's very like feminine energy. That's a couple of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I think I've lived a lot in the masculine energy, so that's interesting. You say that, and maybe that is why I then attract other, like right, end up going towards other women cause I didn't know what that energy was, and so then I tend to work, but I only work with females, I know, and my mission is to really impact women. And how can I impact women on a big scale is by working with powerful women like Roxanne, and you know other women who then have so many women in their community. So yeah, don't forget the great.
Speaker 1:Megan Sunroll, we can name her first. Yes, yes, so ooh, I like this. So it's the era of Terran colon becoming.
Speaker 2:The era of becoming Taren oh the becoming Taren era.
Speaker 1:Unapologetically Taren, oh yes, but I think that's an important word because I think that we are so good at checking ourselves and making sure that what we are, what we do, what we say is okay for everybody else that we don't fully become ourselves because we're worried about how it's going to impact other people. I'm not saying being asshole we all have nothing that but I mean like no, no, but I mean. But you know what, if you are one, maybe you should be one, because that'd be unapologetically you. So I like that. There's like a shedding and a growth that is very cool that I think is needed and I'm excited about that.
Speaker 2:I feel like we're both having like big, like blossoming years Totally, and I'm seeing that with a lot of my friends.
Speaker 1:Like a friend of mine asked me just the other day. She was like okay, I feel this change. Do you? Are you worried that you don't see the nuts and bolts? Or are you worried that you're gonna be focused on, like, the way that I'm gonna get to XYZ which, by the way, my big plan is? Like y'all, I have been for 20 years. No, it's not been 20 years, let's see 16, 17, 18 years.
Speaker 1:I've said that I want my own talk show. I've said that for 17, 18 years. And it bubbles up and it goes down, and it bubbles up and goes down. And I know that the reason that it hasn't happened is because I'm so fixated on the how and I cannot see the how, so it has not happened. Where, like, my actual inner being knows, like, if you look at, like my design as a human, the how is not important. No, it isn't important. But I've been so hung up on the how that I either don't see the how or I'm like, okay, this must be the way to do it, that I get so sidetracked and like fixated on this niche or whatever it is, or I just don't believe that I can do it and I'm tired of that bullshit, I'm over it, I'm over it.
Speaker 1:You know, scott always says we moved to California because I knew it'd be great if you'd get an agent, you'd get your show. And I'm like, well, first of all, we moved to Orange County. Like, when you say we moved it, like they're all up there, we didn't go to LA, it's not the same, it's not the same. But secondly, it's like I don't know how to break in and I think, at every moment goes by, I feel like that's a harder and harder thing. So it's interesting that we're leaving and within us leaving and going to Arizona, I feel like the opportunity to do the thing is actually I have a better opportunity, which is interesting.
Speaker 2:I think, as it's shifting the energy you're getting out of the energy of, it wasn't happening in California for whatever reason. Whereas now it's like a new chapter and it's like wait a second. Can I bring this goal with me?
Speaker 1:I wanna bring it with yeah, and there's something about moving to that house, which is basically gonna be a shell. We're basically getting rid of everything. We're going to work room by room and do one room, do it, and we're starting with the bedroom, and I feel like the house is a shell and we can craft it to be whatever we want it to be, and so I'm excited about that. That blank canvas makes me super excited about that. What comes from that? So we're still-.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, it's so fun. I can only speak. We didn't do a fully redesigned, but moving to Nashville, that's. We got rid of so much stuff and it feels like so many people kept being like are you sure you're getting rid of that? Oh my God, I can't believe you're doing that and it's like no, with this it's actually like I felt like I was shedding myself. Yeah, I feel that and like untying yourself from like things and old things. That maybe defined you and it's like I'm not bringing it with Exactly.
Speaker 1:And then, okay, I have a canvas of blank, Okay, now we're going to build this out, and it just feels very apropos, Like I just feel really good about it. So that's why I'm like this is like get ready, cause here we come, it's happening.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, my gosh, you guys, this will be fun for you guys to follow along through the year and see what happens. But I'm curious to like what everyone else is. If this is kind of like a collective, does a lot of people feel this like big change or-. Good question, maybe your word is something you know, not so huge, and that's okay too.
Speaker 1:Like I've had years where it's like, yeah, I'm just gonna keep on keeping on, yeah maybe it's like status quo, maybe it's your status quo era, or maybe you're loving your era right now so much like I wanna stay where I am. This is awesome, let's stick here.
Speaker 2:Part two world tour. Now, that's right, yeah.
Speaker 1:Now I got my movie. We're gonna stay in that era. It all works. There's no right or wrong, but I would love to know what that era is and you might, hopefully this conversation has helped you like think about it If you haven't thought about it already. You know what's funny. I don't remember my word from this year at all. Don't know what it is. You gotta go back and listen to the podcast. I'm annoyed.
Speaker 2:So we had Epic for 2022, right? Or was that 2020? I don't know, no clue. Epic was 2022. We did some epic things and then yeah, what was? Yeah, you'll have to listen to that no clue.
Speaker 1:It didn't carry through. It didn't, or maybe it did. It was a sudden hum and I didn't even realize it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, mine totally pulled me through the whole year. It was pretty cool.
Speaker 1:I need to look back. I have no recollection. Yeah, I didn't. I do know I love doing Word of the Year.
Speaker 2:And another thing, and I will contribute this to Megan Summerall. She does every year in her plan of Palooza like you get a workbook and it's actually sitting right up here if you're watching the video, but in one of the sections she has you write a letter to you where you're kind of writing it from the sense of like the end of the year, next year.
Speaker 1:Love that.
Speaker 2:And that's what you're accomplishing and it's pretty powerful. So now that I'm Leaning into this era, I'm excited to write my letter because I haven't done it yet.
Speaker 1:You have time, it's okay. Good, you're good. We would love to know what era you are in, so definitely message us. You'll see this podcast snippet on the Rockstock Instagram page. Drop the comment. We want to know what is your era and we want to enjoy that era with you as you tour it around 2024.
Speaker 2:See you guys next week.
Speaker 1:Bye everybody.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening to another episode of Rockstocks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram stories. Be sure to tag us over at Rockstocks.
Speaker 1:Always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind, you're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of Rockstocks.