RoxTalks: The Podcast for Network Marketers

Heading Into the New Year With a Plan

Roxanne Wilson & Taryn Sowa Episode 263

Join us and dive into practical strategies for navigating the wrap-up of the holiday season and get ready to supercharge your business for the new year.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

  • Strategic Planning: We emphasize the importance of strategic planning for the upcoming year, advocating for 30 to 90-day goals instead of year-long goals.
  • Flexibility in Goal-Setting: Our conversation includes insights on remaining flexible in goal-setting, allowing businesses to adapt swiftly to unexpected changes in the market.
  • Diversifying Offerings: We discuss the power of diversifying offerings, from gift cards to cash-and-carry options, encouraging businesses to adapt creatively to meet customer needs.
  • Balancing Education and Entertainment: We delve into the delicate balance between education and entertainment, stressing the significance of providing valuable content while keeping the audience entertained on social media.
  • Audience Engagement: We highlight the impact of audience engagement through challenges and events, emphasizing the creation of a community around your personal brand.
  • Email Collection Strategy: We discuss the strategic importance of email collection during challenges and events, emphasizing its role in building a powerful database for nurturing relationships with potential customers.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Rock's Talks, the podcast that helps network marketers grow their business on social media. I'm Roxanne Wilson, social media network marketing coach, with nearly a decade of experience in the space, as well as television and radio experience, and a passion to really help you and empower you to be the best network marketer you can be, which means knowing yourself and knowing your brand.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Taryn Soa, your social media sidekick. I run all things behind the scenes at Rock's Talks, While being the right hand woman to Roxanne, I also strategize and manage our full social media plan. So I would love to share with you the tips, the happenings, all the things going on in the social media world.

Speaker 1:

Each week, we're here to give you the latest and greatest direct selling, social selling, network marketing, whatever you like to call it. The end game is for you to really understand your business, understand yourself and your brand and to rock it on social media. Okay, so, there's just so much going on. I need a moment. First of all, we have to just congratulate our wonderful podcast producer, because James is getting married.

Speaker 2:

He's engaged.

Speaker 1:

We just want to congratulate you live. So there's that Also. It is the day of the 12th, the 12th day on the 12th day of Christmas, you know, but I've told you before Christmas, the first day of Christmas is actually 25th, but if it were December, this would be December 12th. And you're probably scrambling around like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, last day of guaranteed shipping, get my deals, all my things. And so we're not going to talk about that, because by the time you listen to this, that's over.

Speaker 2:

Because today's the 20th, as you're listening to this.

Speaker 1:

And you're thinking to yourself what to do. Now I just want to put out there just really quickly If you are like you're wanting you're still working your business more power to you. The focus really is, if your company has gift cards, offer gift cards. If they don't, you're not offering that, but also like, if you have any inventory, you can do a cash and carry. You can offer things to people that they can come pick up, and maybe even you even I almost said decorate what do we call those things? Wrap, wrap, wrap them for them. So that's what you can do there. And then, of course, people are some of you are like I'm not working right now. This was my cutoff. Awesome, what are you?

Speaker 1:

doing next year? What are you doing? New years New years Not actually not Eve, but New Years. I actually was meeting with one of my clients. I was coaching her, and then also with Pro group last week Last week, I say because we're on the 20th now and I'm like, all right, it's time to start thinking about next month, because the New Year is coming Now for you. Ter-bear, do you think of it as like what do you want to do for the month? Are you like what do I do for the year? What do you like to do?

Speaker 2:

So this time of year specifically, I like to look a little bit bigger than just January, because I feel like January can set the tone for the year.

Speaker 2:

Not always but it can, and for me that's how I operate. Like January, I usually have big goals. I don't map them all out Like every single month what am I going to do? But I like to have a little bit more of a like a three month runway and see where the New Year brings me, especially you guys. Yeah, quarter, but you recall how we all had to heavily pivot COVID year. You know what we were thinking in January 2020 was not what we were thinking March 2020.

Speaker 1:

March 17th, my birthday when the world shut down. So what I'm hearing you say is like planning out a year is a little bit much, because if we haven't learned anything, we've learned that you. The times are changing very quickly.

Speaker 2:

Times are changing very quickly. I think it's okay to have big goals that you're looking at over a year, but to get into the full nitty gritty for a year, especially with how quickly social media changes and you don't. Maybe your company is going to roll out a new product line and you you want to lean into that, versus what you've been leaning into. No, I don't think you do a whole year.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that. 90 days feels good. I also think that even 90 days sometimes the beginning of the year is just funky right, because you start in January and January doesn't really start on. The first January really starts on like the eighth.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say the second and I was like no, like the seventh or eighth is when it really starts, yeah that's when it starts.

Speaker 1:

So already you're at a deficit where you have a three week month. Then you have a holiday in that month and so that kind of like. If you do have kids, they come back home for a day because they got a holiday. So it's like, and you're trying to get into the groove. Get into the groove and maybe you're like focused on whatever resolution-y thing you want to start over. But then you also like people aren't necessarily buying a lot of things. Like, good example, if you're with Scout and Seller or traveling vineyard, guess who's not buying your products? No one is doing it in January because they're like dry January, right so, but in general people are not shopping in the same way they were shopping the last quarter. So it doesn't mean they're not shopping, but their intentions and their focuses are different. If your concept, if what you sell isn't in that area, if you haven't figured out a way for it to be in that area, it can be a little slow.

Speaker 1:

Typically in network marketing, your companies are like focus on recruiting. This is a month to recruit, recruit, recruit. They're like here's our new plans, the new trip perhaps, the new comp plan, the new reward, whatever bonus plan comes out and it sounds great, but it's like the reality is you're tired, you're tired, you're like I don't know if I want to. I don't want to reach out to that person again because I was just like totally reaching out to them like crazy and so it feels like a lot. So what do you do?

Speaker 2:

You ask that's what I was just wondering what do you do?

Speaker 1:

What to do. What to do? Here's my theory. Okay, first of all, you lean into and I don't care what you call it, girl, you can call it challenge, if that still feels germane to you, you can call it a boot camp, you can call it some type of experience, whatever you want to call it but you ask yourself okay, based on my zone of genius, what is something that people are looking to find a transformation with at the beginning of the year? Okay, so you ask yourself that question. Obviously, if you're like with I mean listen, if you're with Beachbody, it's really obvious. Oh, you're like that's an obvious one. But don't think that yours isn't obvious, because it can be. But ask yourself what that transformation is in your zone of genius and then say to yourself okay, how can I help them with that transformation in that moment? This isn't necessarily you trying to get a bunch of new orders. It's more about you cultivating the audience that you spent the last 90 days building.

Speaker 2:

So I would say and serving them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and serving them. So invite everyone who's purchased from you or thought about it in the last 90 days to a X amount a day, challenge, boot camp, whatever, where these are people who've said, hey, I'm worried about my this or that. If you're with you and Grace and you're all about low talks, like, make it a like, let's low talks are. Well, I would do a whole if I just do a month. I got a whole, but let me just do a month. Let's low talks our life. And we're going this month. We're going to focus on low talks like cleaning, for example, or your house, right, and you can give ways that are like okay, we're going to do a five day, see how easily you can low talks your home, I'd be and, by the way, I've joined this. This sounds like cool, I want to join your thing and then you do a five day thing where you're giving education on, maybe, the different parts of the house and what's in there that's a little bit detrimental and how you can actually do something about it. Or you do it based on things like air. Today we're talking about the air, tomorrow we're talking about, like I don't know, clothes, whatever. You can do it in different ways, but you invite them to that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can also sell your home, your home products. Oh, definitely sell your home products, definitely, definitely Sell those products. And I would also say get that hydrate detox in there and remind them that what they're getting flushes out. But you can do a whole little thing around that. People want to get more information about it. I was saying, okay, listen, this is a sidebar, but I got to go here. There was a I'm doing this. It's a long story and you know, let me inform. I'll just inform.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, long story, here we go.

Speaker 1:

So you know that I'm doing like more user generated content, right, and I was reaching out to companies that I love and I love me some Clio and Coco Y'all. If you've never tried the Clio and Coco deodorant, it is the best, it is amazing. So I reached out to them and I just like I slid into the DMs with a cute little message, just like, hey, I've been using it, for it's the best thing I made for my deodorant for the last three and a half years Was wondering or I have some ideas on your content, can I send something over? I got a message within an hour from the CEO of Cleo and Coco saying yes, and give me your email address. And so today now I got to do the video and now I have to give her a thing.

Speaker 1:

But last night I was researching different things and I'm like what is the difference between Cleo and Coco and some of their competitors? Because you can look at ads through Facebook ads library, tiktok ads library and I'm like, well, the difference is glaring to me and I think why this comes up is because Cleo and Coco is not that far off from like a human grace and I'm watching these videos these content creators are making for Cleo and Coco, and they're talking about how they love the steoderant because there's good things in it and it's non-hormone disrupting and blah, blah, blah. And then I'm watching the competitor who's like really trending on TikTok and is watching their videos. And their videos are like oh my gosh, the smell is so amazing, this smells so great, you've got to try it. And they lean less on the education and more on the oh my gosh, you want this and the only way you can try it.

Speaker 1:

Really, they don't say it, but if you want to smell it too, you're going to have to buy the thing. And I'm thinking myself this is the difference, that and the fact that, like in these other videos, they never actually put on the deodorant, they just talk about it. And I'm like I know it might not be cute to raise your hand, but show me, that's one thing we did in home. Shopping was like you've got to put the thing on. So people feel like that they are doing it as well too, and they want to experience it.

Speaker 2:

Especially deodorant, Like I've been going through trying to find what's natural one and I bought one and it smells so good but applies like clunky.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you need to try Clio Coco.

Speaker 2:

I just bought a new one. I just switched to Lumi. Oh, did you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they do. They do a lot of commercials everywhere as well, too, lumi.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, but I was doing primarily peer, just so we know Didn't love it.

Speaker 1:

That was the one, but you didn't like how, the consistency when you put it on, which matters because you're putting on every day. Yeah, exactly, it's like tasting something that's like ooh down your mouth or gritty, or something like that. I hear that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so where was I going? The moral of this long story is Let me go back. I don't know. I interrupted.

Speaker 1:

No, it's okay because maybe I didn't. Where was I going with that in my mind is that? Oh, that it's not. People want the education. Yes, I don't know where I was going with that, but we'll go this way. People want the education, so you can educate people.

Speaker 1:

When you talk about non-hormone disruptors, that doesn't make me. Unless I know what that is, I'm not going to jump off my seat to buy your deodorant. I'm not going to jump out of my seat to buy whatever you got going on because, honestly, if I don't know, I have a problem. If I've never been told by an endocrine or something that I've got issues with my hormones, or by a doctor, I don't know. That maybe the way to read Good example. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

When I lived in Austin I'll never forget I went to the doctor and they were like oh, do you have allergies? I don't have allergies. They're like, yeah, you have allergies. They're like no, they're like your nose is so big. Your nose is big because of allergies. I'm like, no, my nose is just big. But they were sure and certain that my nose was actually enlarged Because it was so histamine. Because of the histamine, I'm like this is how I usually smell. But they were like no. Now I don't know if they're right or not, but until you're told you have a problem, you don't need to know, you need to fix it.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like watching those commercials on TV for all those Jardians, which that is a really good commercial, by the way.

Speaker 2:

It is, it's already in my head. Stop, nope.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what A1C is, but I'm like, yes, unless you know what the problem is, you're just like that's a fun commercial, I don't need that. But if you have blood levels, this must be diabetes. Is that what it's for? Oh, my sister would get me. I should know these things, unless you have a diabetes issue. It's white noise. It's like, oh, that's like that cute commercial where the woman dances in his backstage on a like a Warner Brothers lot. If you tell me that your stuff is non-hormone disrupting and I think my hormones are fine, I think my nose is just normally this size I'm not going to want to try your stuff to get my nose smaller.

Speaker 2:

So you're kind of need both, like you need that educational, because some people are aware that they have a problem and you need to talk to them and educate them and they're probably coming you for that specific problem. Yes, but you need to also. Just, we just want to smell pretty and look nice, can you? You have to go to our ego too.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you got to balance it. You got exactly that's. You wrapped it up in a beautiful projector bow, thank you, exactly it. And so that's why doing some type of event of some sort challenge boot camp where you can, yes, drop those bombs of education, but also come in, bring them in with a, with something that's more like oh, it smells good, like hey, is genius because you're, you're speaking not only to the novice or the novice, novices, novice who don't?

Speaker 1:

they just want a good smelling deodorant and then they find out, not one is it smell good, but it's actually good for me. This is amazing. All the benefits, all the benefits.

Speaker 2:

All the benefits and with this, like doing a challenge, you're leaning into, like the group effect, yes, you know, oh, roxanne's doing it, oh, taryn's doing it. We're doing it together. Let's make these changes together. Let's oh, you're buying that, I'm going to buy it and we can both talk about, you know, all our new cleaning products for our house? Or I was trying to think of an example of like a company. So maybe you sell jewelry. You could still do something around, like maybe decluttering your closet and like refreshing your wardrobe. Like there's still ways to lean into what people are changing in the new year.

Speaker 1:

I love that. You could even do like a styling thing, so like, let's get your favorite piece of jewelry out and the ones that you don't use as much, the ones that you really like, but you just don't know what to wear with, and you can have them. Bring that to the challenge and you can say here's my example for this. This is great, but you know what you need with that. You need a necklace that does such and such, and I have one right here. There you go and then like, but you get the necklace and then you'll have a reason to wear the earrings Like. You can do that. So it's. I love that you brought up joyous as another example. There are ways that you can make this so people can get a fun transformation and I want y'all to lean into that because notice, you're not requiring anyone purchase anything. They can come and get information and, truly, if they get information, I had a client the other day say we're giving away too much free information on my social media.

Speaker 1:

They need to start paying for it, and I was like, okay, but here's the true thing, here's the truth about it. If you're putting out valuable nuggets, it's gonna come back to you. So inform, give that information and share those things. Like I said, I'm doing that video where I'm gonna tell them what's wrong with their social media. They're not paying me for it. I'm gonna say this is what I think you should do and, yeah, I can help you with it, but you're still gonna have these nuggets of how to improve what you've got going on. So lean into. Let's have a challenge, you don't? It doesn't cost you anything to join it. You are going to get value whether you buy something from me or not. But if you wanna buy something from me, here are the things you can buy that go along with the challenge.

Speaker 2:

And you guys, I swear if you do not get their email when they sign up because they might not buy until six months later. You have to build some sort of way for them to give you their email. You need to. There's my rant, like don't do this free thing without at least getting their email or phone number, something 100%.

Speaker 1:

I cosign that. Get those digits, get that info. It'll make a difference.

Speaker 2:

It's a juicy one. Some juice for you guys before Christmas. You're welcome.

Speaker 1:

Juice. Now start thinking about what that thing is and remember it doesn't have to be big. I don't want you to think you have to do this. Huge, huge, huge, huge. How do some people say huge, huge thing, Huge? Let's forget that.

Speaker 2:

H. Why is the H? You humans?

Speaker 1:

What's wrong with the H? I don't understand. Just ignore it. Go right to the U. But you can do something smaller and it's going to make a difference. And, hear me, because I hope you have your email system, you can also send the emails through it. It's a beautiful synchronicity that I want you to lean into.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of emails, I should mention that if you remember Black Friday, I was like you know what? I'm giving away all of the Rock's Talks juice at one price 117. I've decided I keep laying in bed at night and that's my thought process, and I've decided I'm going to keep that growing and going. So, yeah, so it's still available. If you all want it. People are trickling in grabbing it. $117. You get all of Social Templates Club. I repeat, you get all of Social Templates Club.

Speaker 1:

I actually reached out to people who were annual. I'm like, hey, listen, your annual, you could save like $100 if you want and do it this way. They're like what you get all of the kits ever made. You get all of the social templates sorry, the social emails and how to create them, like how to create your email system. These are things that people are using and they're getting sales on a regular basis. You get all of that and more. I'm not even mentioning everything and what I'm creating for the next year, which is really going to be fun and helpful. One word. I won't tell you everything, but one word keywords.

Speaker 1:

Keywords that's one hint of things to come next year. That's so vague, is it, though? It's very clear when I say it Keywords are taking over hashtags.

Speaker 2:

Keywords are like taking over hashtags but how do you know your keywords? What?

Speaker 1:

do you use and why do you place them? There'll be a little something on that coming, so stay tuned. And then more video things for sure too. So just want y'all to know that, be in the know. I'm informing you. Also informing, I'm practicing. Did I tell you that I got a book, a book to?

Speaker 2:

read, or A book to read.

Speaker 1:

Okay, no, okay, so listen, I know a bunch of your big readers and I totally support that. I was an avid, avid, avid reader till after law school and after being a lawyer and I was like I am read out, read out.

Speaker 1:

So Scott and I did go to Bardens and, oh, they opened up one near us and we went and we both got a book. I've read like a few pages of that book. That book is I don't know where it is anymore. Okay, but I was checking my email, which is a good. I do a lot of shopping on via email.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you do. You do Terran Some yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'll do some. I mean, I do the social media shopping, but I'm telling you what. Like on the plane back from Boston, I literally was shopping. I joined, like academies and coaching, innings from emails that I was getting.

Speaker 2:

I will shop for like coaches and like business recommendations via email. I don't necessarily buy like a purse, I'm not. It depends it could be.

Speaker 1:

but it shows up right. So I was I'm on the manifest in the manifestor community is what she calls it now and she was like but the book is finally here and I'm like a book. So I ordered it and it came last week and I'm reading a paragraph, a paragraph, a chapter a day. I can't wait to pick it up. It is so good and one of the things if you're a manifestor you know I already told Grace I'm like I'm sending you this book, like if you're a manifestor, let me know, cause I might just send you this book. It's so good, but I am informing. I'm going to practice more informing for 30 days and see how what that does in the world we don't like to inform.

Speaker 1:

It's not fun for us, but it's a good tool.

Speaker 2:

So why don't you like it? Because Isn't that what you're born to do?

Speaker 1:

It's if you say that, like if you read anywhere informing while it is the best thing for us to do, we hate it. We hate informing.

Speaker 1:

My mom's a manifestor and, yeah, she hates informing and I'm like, if you just informed, it's not natural to us at all because a couple things we have a closed aura, which basically means that we could really just live all by ourselves and be just fine doing our thing. Don't mess with us. Reason being is we're very vulnerable and we don't, like you, have a penetrating aura If you're not a human being, like what are these ladies talking about? We're just talking.

Speaker 2:

So, um, this is like behind the scenes right now, so we jumped right in.

Speaker 1:

That's right. We manifestors have a closed aura, so that means that we repel people and things or people are like oh, she's interesting, I want to get to know her more. As a result, when we inform it, lets people like it, almost like, puts a little like oh, here's an open door, you can see a little bit into what I'm making and feeling, because it makes people, even if you're, even if, even if you're Taryn Taryn, you're in my aura, obviously, but if I don't inform you, at times you might think something's wrong. Or is she, is it me, or is it because of the closed aura?

Speaker 2:

When we first started working together. Yes, I'd be like, is she mad? Like is she upset about something? What's going on? And then we'd hop on the call and you'd be happy it's going to be. And I'm like, I'm confused, it's a closed aura.

Speaker 1:

It's a closed aura. So when we inform, we like give people like a little window so they can see like a peep window, and so it. It helps other people get to understand what we're up to. But it also helps us to when we're right, we're going to initiate something. It kind of clears the path. So when we're like I have a plan, I'm going to do such and such, the more we can inform, it clears things away. So it either tracks people who want to be part of it or people like I don't want to be part of that. They can, they can get away, they can go on.

Speaker 1:

We typically don't inform on a regular basis. We inform if we feel like informing in that moment. We don't like to inform because we're we don't want to be rejected or judged and so we do not like informing. I just want to do my thing. I was reading and I asked Scott because it was like you know, people don't always think I said I said to Scott I'm like, because he always says he knows me, I'm like am I hard to read? He's like oh, totally, I'm like really, I didn't know it was hard to read. I think I'm very clear. But so I'm working on informing.

Speaker 2:

I think once you're in, like I'm in, but no, I do see. Yeah, I see the closed aura with other people too, or how, like we've brought other people on the team and how you have to like let them in.

Speaker 1:

It's a very yeah and listen. So that's. I think that's in my lifetime. People I think like I go in and out and it's not you, it's just, I'm a closed aura person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with that. No, there's a reason, right. There's a reason how you bring your superpower into the world. Exactly exactly, but isn't so. I listened. You sent me this podcast episode about how all the human design types work together.

Speaker 1:

Did you listen to it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, before manifestors could live alone over in an island over there. But with the shift in how it's all changing, it's like to continue on. You can't Like. You have to survive, I know and.

Speaker 1:

I have to tell you that part of me is like Interesting, like really, but I'm embracing. So one of the things Holly Herberg is, the she wrote the book is she did a 30 days of. She actually said her first when she delved in the day Luna Ladies, the protectors were the first people that she felt gravitated towards and she met with them and stuff and did things and she did a 30 days of informing, just trying to inform in little ways, and she saw the transformation, I'm like okay, I can lean into that, but ironically not ironically, because everything is meant to be y'all I'm starting a new podcast.

Speaker 1:

It's starting on January 1st, in addition to, by the way, this is not going away. You're stuck with us, stuck on you, na na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na na. But it's going to be a lot of informing in the moment, so just stay tuned. I'm sure that I'll put a little something when it's out and it's gonna be like rag tag, so stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

It's rag tag, I mean like it's gonna be quick and dirty. Ooh, quick and dirty, how I like it. Pew, pew, pew.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening this long, you got to learn a little bit more about.

Speaker 2:

Tear Bear oh. I didn't necessarily mean like that, but yeah, but sure. I go with it.

Speaker 1:

I should say that we're in the move. Okay, you see those boxes right there. We have like seven boxes packed so far and I have more boxes coming today because our car is too small to go pick up the dang boxes, max could have handled it, but not Scott's car.

Speaker 1:

His car is the longest car possible with the least amount of space, so but we move in two weeks. Yeah, your countdown is on. Countdown is on. It's coming like Donkey Kong, and I'm annoyed with Facebook Marketplace because, by my stuff, people, what are you waiting for? Too many like fake people and not the real people. That's fresh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's hard on there, you know. Oh yeah, it is hard, but when you get a good one and it goes Right, I'm waiting. You know, I'm still waiting Anyhow. Just I had two things just fly off on Facebook Marketplace and then one, like it was just so weird, I had so many scammers I had like interesting.

Speaker 1:

I had things fly off and now things are slowing down and I'm trying to sell my jewelry armoire. It's beautiful, but it doesn't fit my aesthetic.

Speaker 2:

I got rid of mine too. We have the same one, so how did you sell?

Speaker 1:

yours on Facebook.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I ended up giving it to my neighbor, I'm gonna end it. I mean I'm like y'all, it's now under $100. Like don't be ridiculous by the armoire. So anyway, if you wanted to.

Speaker 2:

If you want it, come get it in Orange County. Yes, exactly, all right, you guys, we see you one more time for 2023. What's your behind the scenes, don't we?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sick, wahoo, yippee, I like your hat by the way, I'm gonna tell you that really, ha ha ha.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, old Navy. It's my new fave hat it looks good on you.

Speaker 1:

I really like it. Yeah, it's very you, it's good.

Speaker 2:

My hair extensions are growing out, so like I just don't like know what to do with my hair because my hair extensions are like too low and so it's hat season for me now.

Speaker 1:

And brace hats. You can put a Santa hat on too. That'll work too.

Speaker 2:

I could for the holiday season, I'll just throw on, you know, a normal hat. Well, ho ho hat. My kids would call it a ho ho hat. That's funny.

Speaker 1:

Goes along with your other side.

Speaker 2:

All right, yep sorry, super boring, behind the scenes Nothing. We had a really good weekend. My family and sister were in town, so it was really good and yeah.

Speaker 1:

Do they?

Speaker 2:

like Nashville. Yes, they do Good. They loved Nashville. Oh, and we went to this bakery that I've been wanting to go to. It's called a 100 layer donut. It's kind of like a Krona.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Krona.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we finally went Five sisters, five daughters, bakery and it was so good, so good. I don't usually eat sugar in the morning, but I did and it was delicious.

Speaker 1:

That sounds amazing. Yummy in my tummy, mm, good stuff.

Speaker 2:

All right, I think that's it. That's it Like I was saying one more time for this year.

Speaker 1:

One more time we're going to celebrate.

Speaker 2:

We're going to step into our new era.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm going from there. We want to know your errors. By the way, if you haven't told, us yet let us know.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye. Thanks for listening to another episode of Rocks Talks. We would love for you to help us get this message out to other network marketers. If you could follow rate review wherever you are listening to this episode, we would greatly appreciate it. And hey, if this episode speaks to you directly, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it on Instagram Stories. Be sure to tag us over at Rocks Talks.

Speaker 1:

Always remember you're not ahead, you're not behind, you're exactly where you're supposed to be and we'll see you next week for another episode of Rocks Talks MUSIC.

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